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Enjoy it while it lasts, your peace will not be forever.

I pulled away from Loki. I looked around the room. Nothing seemed out of place. Everything seemed fine. Why would I be hearing Thanos? How could I be hearing his voice? It shouldn't be possible.

"Nyx?" I turned to Loki.

I met his eyes. He looked confused. I study his body from head to toe. Nothing was out of the ordinary with him.

You will never find me. I have targeted someone else you care about. You want to be a nuisance then I will make sure you lose those close to you.

I spun around. The voice was coming from the black framed mirror over my dresser. I pushed Loki behind me. I don't know how Thanos could've found me.

"Show yourself!" I summoned fire in my hands.

I heard manic chuckling come from the mirror.

"You are far too smart. I can see you being a problem in the future," I transported Loki to the barn, "you are no fun. I wanted to see the terror on his face."

Thanos's face appeared in the mirror.

"How," he chuckled, "you let him into your room. You think I wouldn't still have a connection with him? It's faint because of your magic and knowledge of the mind. I know I won't get through again, but I will find him. I will find that failure and kill him."

I wouldn't let that happen.

He smirked at me as I grit my teeth, "you won't kill anyone I care about again."

I shot forward towards the mirror. My hand went through it. His image turned blurry. The skin around his throat began turning black. I ripped my hand out of the mirror's surface. My hand came back covered in blood. Thanos looked surprised.

"That's impossible. You shouldn't have been able to injure me." I smirked.

"Mirror's are a two way street, idiot. I will find you, and you will die by my hand." I broke the mirror.

I needed to move us fast. I stepped away and packed up my shit in the room. My door swung open.

"N-Nyx?" I stopped what I was doing.

I turned and saw a frightened Loki. I stood up and walked over to him. I couldn't leave him like that. I pulled him into a hug.

"It's okay. You're okay. He's gone." I will kill you Thanos.

I froze. Wait, he said he hurt someone. Who did he hurt? Who did he go after? I pulled away from Loki. I held his face in my hands. I couldn't be mad. Not when I was worried and when he looked so scared.

"Go to your room. I will ward mine. I'll be there shortly. I promise." He nodded.

He walked away slowly and then booked it. I bit my lip. I hated Thanos for this. I hated him so much. He hurt Loki so much. I zipped up the bags and threw them out in the hall. I grabbed the case of Phil's cards and slammed the door shut. I sealed the room off with magic. I incinerated the inside of it. Nothing remained. I made sure of that. I stepped away and went in search of Loki. He wasn't in the house. I rushed out the front door.

Help! It's cold.

Whinny's could be heard from the barn. That wasn't good.

"Shit." I transported to the barn.

I pulled the door open and the horses came running out. I knew I needed to sooth them, but Loki needed my help more. I would focus on them later.

Illea, please sooth Magne.

I rushed inside. It was cold. I went to the deepest farthest point of the barn. My teeth were chattering. Loki was all blue, in a small corner of the barn. He was curled up in a ball. It hurt to see him this way.

"Loki?" I kept my voice slightly above a whisper.

I didn't want to scare him. He was already super spooked because of Thanos. I closed my eyes and changed. The cold became comfortable and bearable. I opened my eyes. I glanced down at my skin. It was blue.

"Loki?" He looked up.

He looked confused and scared. There was something else.

"It's me, Nyx," he flinched, "no, no, no! She is safe and on Midgard! She isn't a Frost Giant! Get out of my head!"

He thought I wasn't real. Just seeing Thanos was enough to send him into a downward spiral. He gripped his head. I was at a loss on what to do. I slowly walked to him and sat beside him. Maybe a memory would help.

"There was a day when we were children that you injured yourself. We had been having tea in the library and I had tripped. I had an empty plate in my hands. I crashed to the floor and the plate shattered. I had hurriedly begun picking up the pieces," I looked over at him, "you came over and grabbed my wrists. I remember how worried you looked. You were concerned that I would hurt myself."

I placed my head on his shoulder.

"So you began helping me pick up the pieces. There was a large piece you picked up. It had cut the tip of your finger. I took the glass away and sucked the blood from the cut. I panicked once I realized what I had done. I pulled your finger out and quickly healed that little cut. You didn't say a word and I was horrified that I had taken blood without asking. I ran away that day. I hid myself away in my room wishing to speak with my mother. I avoided you for a week after speaking to my mother with the hand mirror. I felt so guilty for what I had done. When you finally cornered me in the garden after that week I told you everything. I apologized profusely because I was afraid of what would happen to me. I had hurt my charge. I was terrified." I smiled at the memory.

"I remember. You were so scared that my father would punish you," I felt him lay his head on mine, "I'm so sorry Nyx."

It felt safe with just us. Even though in the long run it wasn't. Sitting just the two of us by ourselves. It got warmer. I changed back to the appearance I wore here on Earth. I wasn't going to let Thanos win.

I will protect you Loki, you and everyone else.

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