Little Boy

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After gathering everything into a small bag and putting my armor on I was ready to go. Loki was outside. I locked the door. I turned to Loki. I couldn't have him going around as himself. I also couldn't have him freely using his magic, but I feared he may need it. I reached out with my hands and gripped the bracelets upon his wrists that bound his magic. I broke them. As they clattered to the floor I reached into my bag. I pulled out a ring. I grabbed his hand and placed it on his ring finger on his left hand. I looked up. Before me stood a blonde haired blue eyed man. I couldn't see any traces of Loki.

Good. He'll be safe.

"You will be known as Nyk," he narrowed his eyes at me, "why? Are you that ashamed of me? Am I that much of a monster to you?"

I pulled him down so he was eye level with me, "I am trying to protect you. If Tony so much as lays eyes on you while Pepper is in danger he will blame you. Even if you aren't at fault. I am trying to keep you safe. If any of the Avengers knew you were here, they would do everything in their power to kill you. Do you understand me, Loki? I am trying to protect you."

He looked doubtful. I couldn't blame him. I let him go. I walked down the steps and went to the barn. I opened the door. I glanced at Ilea and Magne.


Ilea looked at me. I smiled at Ilea.

"Keep Magne safe." Ilea nodded at me.

I will. Will you keep Loki safe?

I glanced down at the ground. A part of me doubted I could protect him, but I would do my best. I had too. I looked up at Ilea.

"I will, even if that means I die doing so." Thank you.

I nodded and closed the door. I rested my head against the door. I stood and turned to find Loki. He looked scared of me for a second. I wanted to comfort and ease his concerns, but there wasn't time.

"Let's go, Nyk." I gripped his arm.

We were in front of the shed that Heimdall showed me within moments. I heard something clatter inside. I pushed open the door a little. Something hit the wall next to my head. I froze. I looked down and found a potato? That isn't something Tony would use.

"Tony," I heard shuffling, "who are you and how do you know Mr. Stark?"

I saw a child. The child from what Heimdall showed me. I smiled at the boy.

"What is your name, little one?" He stepped back.

"I asked first," I smiled, "my name is Nyx. I work with Tony. I know he is Iron Man. I'm here because I know he needs help. So please, will you help me help him?"

He looked behind me and frowned, "what about the man behind you? He doesn't look trustworthy."

Well he's not wrong. Let's just hope that won't piss Loki off.

"Look, he is my friend. While he may not be completely trustworthy, he," I looked down at the ground, "he's someone I would trust with my life. Someone who has always been there for me. That's why we are here. A woman who loves Tony asked us to come help him. So we're here because someone who loves Tony very much asked us to be here for him. She knew he would need some extra help. I knew I would need some help so I chose someone that I trust."

I smiled back up at the boy. He looked skeptical. I couldn't blame him for that. I would be skeptical of us as well if this little boy has been in dangers way.

"If I may, Nyx?" I looked up at Loki.

I was surprised.

Be nice Loki. He's probably been through his fair share of danger today.

Loki nodded and knelt down next to me.

"I am Nyk. I have come to help Lady Nyx because she has asked me to help the man of iron. Lady Nyx cares about the man of iron, and I did something bad recently that hurt her," he looks at me, "I have sins to atone for. So I am here because the woman I love needs me and is risking everything else she has to trust me."

I was taken aback. This is the most he's gotten personal in the last few months. I wasn't expecting that.

The little boy tilted his head, "I'm Harley. Mr. Stark has been here. There are people who get really hot, like so hot they can melt through metal and survive an injury to the head."

What? So not only can they misfire, but they have enhanced healing abilities and super strength? Like Steve, that's really not good.

I stood from the floor and frowned. If Thanos had a hand in this what else has he caused.

What more will he do to us? How long before he targets someone else? What if he's already putting into play his next attack?

I shook my head.

Focus, Nyx.

"Jarvis, can you call him," please let him be okay, "right away, Mrs. Coulson."

The phone started ringing. Answer. Pick up, please?

"Jarvis?" I sighed in relief.

He was okay. He was safe.

"Tony! It's me! It's Nyx! Where are you? Are you safe?" I sat down on a stool.

I was relieved.

"I'm okay, Nyx. How did you find me," I smiled, "I had some help from Asgard. Now where are you?"

"I'm headed out of town. Jarvis is searching for the location of the mandarin. I may need your help. That suit isn't fully charged. Can you help with that, Nyx?" I went over to the suit.

It was definitely really damaged. I placed my hands over it. My hands began to glow purple. I didn't know very much about Midgard technology, but I knew enough that I could tell this suit was running low on power.

"I might. Earth technology isn't completely foreign anymore, but I don't want to fry the circuits in the suit. I will help where I can with charging the suit. Are you okay?" I heard what sounded like brakes.

That's a no. I looked at Harley.

"Tony," I heard gasping, "I'm fine."

No he wasn't. I needed to calm him down.

"No you're not. You're stressed and scared. That's okay, Tony. So right now you need to do something to calm down," I looked at Harley, "like what, kid? What the hell am I supposed to do?"

"You're a mechanic, right," I glanced at the phone, "yeah."

"Then build something." I smiled.

I saw a lot of Tony in this little boy. He's going to go places.

"Thanks, kid. Nyx I'll need your help. I assume you've looked at everything I looked at with Jarvis. Having an Asgardian on my side will definitely help." I bit my lip.

Please let him believe my lie.

"Tony, I'm not alone," silence followed, "what the hell do you mean?"

I cringed, "I'm not by myself. I have a companion."

"Who is it Nyx?" I looked at Loki.

I hated lying, "his name is Nyk. I'm training him. He has powers like mine and that's why Fury has me babysitting him out in the middle of nowhere. I trust him Tony."

Please believe me. Please, please.

"Can he control his powers," I glanced at Loki, "yes he can. He's advanced a lot farther than I thought he would. I'll charge up the suit and then be there to meet you shortly."

Tony hung up. I let out a breathe I didn't know I had been holding. I turned to the suit.

"I'll charge the suit as much as I can without frying the circuits. Nyk I want you to keep watch at the door. We don't know if any of those super soldiers gone wrong are still lurking around," he nodded, "Harley, Jarvis, I'm going to need your help. We need to be extra careful going about this. Let's get started."

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