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I stood by the door keeping watch. I felt useless. I also felt uneasy. I stood and watched Nyx as she worked. She looked at ease even though danger wasn't too far away from us. She had kept Thanos's name out of her mouth, but I got the sense that he was behind whatever was going on with the man of iron. She had been working for a while before I noticed that she started sweating. She kept wiping her brow while working.

She's pushing herself too hard.

"Harley, how charged is it," she took a step back, "halfway there. Fifty percent charged."

She sighed, "Jarvis, have you located the Mandarin?"

"Not yet, Mrs. Coulson. I've almost locked on to their location. It shouldn't be too long." Nyx turned to me.

Her purple eyes met mine. I saw the irritation in her eyes and how exhausted she was from charging the man of iron's armor.

I am exhausted, Loki. Will you help me?

She looked hopeful. She yearned to trust me even after all I had done. She was giving me the chance to prove myself. I didn't want to let her down.

I will.

She smiled at me and hugged me.

Thank you, Loki! Thank you!

I found myself frozen. She hadn't hugged me in a very long time, let alone express affection for me. This was a good start to mending our relationship.

You're welcome, Nyx.

A beep sounded from behind us. Nyx spun around and went to the computer. Nyx frowned.

"Shit," the child rushed to her, "what is it?"

"The enemy we are dealing with is not a terrorist. It's something far more dangerous. Jarvis, I need you to call Tony, right now." Nyx turned back to the iron armor.

The sound of ringing filled the room, "hello?"

"Tony," I heard brakes, "Nyx, has Jarvis found the mandarin?"

"Yes. I'm afraid that the mandarin is local. Miami to be exact. This man in the video? I don't think he's our real terrorist, Tony. I believe his strings are being pulled." She activated her magic and began charging the suit again.

"Who do you think it is?" She focused on the suit.

"Killian, Tony. Who else beside him started putting his nose in your business the same time the mandarin popped up. It's logical." She frowned.

"Is the suit charging," Nyx sighed, "yes. Not at the rate you might like though. It's over fifty percent. I'm doing my best to charge it while not frying any circuits. Will you need me right now? Say the word and I'll be there."

I felt jealous of the man of iron. Though I knew I didn't need to be, seeing Nyx so willing to do anything for him still hurt. As though Nyx knew what I was thinking she looked up at me. She gave me a small smile.

I would travel as many galaxies as it took to find you. You do not need to be jealous, Loki. I would do anything for you if it meant keeping you safe. That includes killing him.

"Thanks Nyx. Meet me in Miami as soon as you can. Just be careful. Killian isn't completely human anymore. See you soon." The man of iron hung up.

Nyx turned to me.

Can you help me charge the suit?

I shook my head.

I don't think that's wise, Nyx. I don't know anything about Midgard technology. I do not think it is wise.

She smiled at me and nodded.

I understand. Just keep an eye on me alright?

I nodded. She turned back to the suit. She started charging it again.

"Alright Jarvis, let's finish this," her hands glowed, "right away, ma'am."

Iron Man: First MissionWhere stories live. Discover now