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I watched as Nyx cried into my brother's arms. Heimdell thought it best I knew what was happening on Midgard. I couldn't believe what Stark had said to Nyx. Even if she kept it from him, she was dealing with so much he doesn't understand. It had been a few days after the events had occurred. I was still very angry. I was not going to wait a moment longer to give Stark a piece of my mind. I went to Heimdall.

"Send me to Stark." Heimdall bowed.

I was on my way to Midgard.


When I landed I found myself outside of Stark's dwelling. I pounded upon his door.

"Open up, Stark! You and I need to speak!" The door opened.

I was ready to curse at Stark, but I bit my tongue. Lady Pepper had answered the door instead. I smiled politely.

"Hello, M'Lady. I was wondering if S-Tony is home?" Lady Pepper smiled at me.

"Can I know why the surprise visit?" I frowned at her.

"Lady Nyx," She smiled, "I would prefer to speak with you first. I think that's best considering Tony is still angry. Follow me."

I did as she asked. We went into a sitting area. She sat and motioned for me to take a seat. I did.

"Now I have a few questions. Why is Nyx watching Loki?" I sighed.

"Lady Nyx is watching Loki because Thanos still poses a threat. She is watching him, and yet she is also keeping him on a leash to protect Midgard. However, she is also fulfilling her duty as Loki's guard. She feels guilty for allowing Thanos to get his hands on Loki in the first place," I sighed, "you must understand M'Lady, when Lady Nyx lost her parents no one was there for her except Loki. The day that Lady Nyx found out about Loki's plan to keep me banished on Midgard she sacrificed everything to warn me. That included disobeying Loki's orders. She was stuck here because of that. She was never able to return to her home because she failed in her duty. Then Phil took her in. When she found out Loki was in New York she felt responsible for his actions. She felt like she wasn't enough to help him. To keep him safe and on the right track. She is the one who found out who was pulling Loki's strings. So not only did she put a target on her back, but those she loves. This attack was no coincidence. This man that came after you and Stark had help from Thanos. She found out and that's why she came to me asking for help finding him."

Lady Pepper looked horrified. She stood up quickly and rushed down a staircase. I followed behind. Stark was speaking with the man they call Hawkeye. I narrowed my gaze as Pepper stopped Stark.

"Did you tell him, Tony? Please tell me I stopped you in time?" Stark looked confused.

"He knows, Pepper." I looked at Hawkeye.

He looked angry. He stormed out and passed me. I grabbed his arm before he got too far. I wouldn't let him leave without agreeing to give Nyx a chance.

"Let me go," he was upset, "I will on one condition, Sir Hawkeye. You must give Lady Nyx a chance to explain. Swear it."

He glared at me. I could see the betrayal in his eyes. I understood the feeling all to well. He ripped his arm away and stormed out.

I'm so sorry, Nyx.

Iron Man: First MissionWhere stories live. Discover now