<3 - chapter one - <3

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A/N: that picture up there is all my plushies, including my Hanako and Nene ones:) (edit: no picture ig thanks wattpad)

Yashiro Nene lived deep in the woods, far away from any other cottages. She tended to her garden, trimmed her bushes, fed the birds, and in her free time she would bake or take a stroll around the pond.

Once a week, she would take a path into the village and stay for the night, buying her ingredients and would occasionally chat with the other villagers. She would stay in the small motel, and in the early morning head to the market. After shopping, she would either stay around and converse with her friends, or head back home. What she didn't know, though, was that a certain dark haired boy and been keeping his eye on her recently.

- <3 -

The first ray of sun shone through Nene's fluttery curtains, gently awakening her, the chirp of the birds and the tinkle of her wind chimes downstairs filling her ears. She stood and got dressed into a pink flowy dress, before heading downstairs for a small breakfast of grape jam on toast. Normally, she would have chosen strawberry jam, but she had ran out the day before. Good thing too, since today was the day she was taking a trip to the village.

It takes her most of the day to arrive there, and by the time she gets to the village she is normally so exhausted she falls asleep in the motel almost immediately.

She grabbed a picnic basket and threw some seeds for the birds before setting off on the dirt path. Although the day was hot, the trees provided shade along the path, which Nene was very grateful for. Sometimes she walked in silence, listening to the leaves rustling and the birds chirping, but sometimes she would talk to herself. Not much, just her plans for the next day or if she saw a deer she would quietly commentate to herself. Every so often, the stream connected to the village came into view on the side of the path and Nene drank the cool water while taking a small pause and watching the ducks glide by.

Finally, right before the sun began to set, Nene arrived in the village. Although it shouldn't have taken as long as it did to get there, she had stopped for a picnic near a family of bunnies and stayed there a little longer then she planned. As she crossed the bridge over the stream from the woods, (which had now turned into quite a large river) she set her eyes on a small two story building, also known as the towns only motel. As the sky turned orange, she checked into her room and set her things down on the bed.

She had gotten a different room than the other times, normally she would get the second to last room on the second floor. Today, she had gotten the first room, right in front of the stairs. Which meant, she had gotten a balcony. She wasn't as tired as she normally was (probably because of her stop at lunch) so she decided to stand on the balcony.

She gazed up at the stars as she leaned on the railing, sighing. She always had a fondness for the stars, she was never sure why. The planets didn't intrigue her much, but some particularly warm or clear nights she would lie down in the grass and stare at the stars for hours. The sky was clearer in the village, it not being blocked by the trees. As she stood there, her knee length dress flowing behind her in the breeze, she failed to notice someone staring at her from the street.

That 'someone' was a boy her age named Amane. He had seen her on her most recent visits these past few weeks. He had admired her from afar, never daring to speak to her. He would walk behind her in the market, or he would watch as she walked into the woods when she went home. He wondered where her house was, and if it was far.

Nene sighed and went back inside, falling asleep soon after.

Amane watched her go back inside and turned away, realizing how creepy it was to watch someone like that. He walked back to his own house, his mind on the girl the whole time. A month or two ago, he noticed her coming from the woods and staying the night at the inn, then going shopping in the market and heading back home. She never stayed longer than those two days, and always came back the next week.

【𝚜𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚠𝚋𝚎𝚛𝚛𝚢 𝚜𝚔𝚒𝚎𝚜】&gt;Amanene - TBHK&lt;  .••°Where stories live. Discover now