<3 - chapter seven - <3

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The sun had set long ago, leaving Amane in the dark of Nene's living room. She was probably asleep by now, having gone upstairs half an hour ago or so. The only light source in her cabin would be the dying flames of the fireplace and the soft glint in Hanako the Cat's eyes.

The blizzard had ended, the snow now falling gently outside her windows. Little did Amane know, Nene was still awake.

As Amane was sat staring out into the snow just one level below her, she sat in her window seat with her knees to her chest and her head rested against the wall behind her. Staring out through the fluttering snowflakes, she watched the path though the trees she would take to the village, unknowing as Amane did as well.

Hanako purred and leaped off Amane's lap, trotting over to his water bowl and lapping up the water quickly. He then went back to the spot on the couch he was at before and turned three times in a circle, before plopping himself down and letting his eyes rest.

Amane could have done the same, but he wanted to stay up a little later. The snow had piled up to maybe a foot or two outside, but Amane didn't mind trecking though to stargaze. He'd make time almost every night since he was a kid to lay in the grass and look at the moon.

Luckily for him, he didn't need to lay in the snow, as behind Nene's house there was a pond with a couple benches around it.

So, he sat down on the bench and leaned his head back, hoping to catch a glimpse of the stars before he got too cold and had to go inside.

He used to do this with Tsukasa, but recently he had gotten bored and stopped joining Amane. He didn't mind too much though, as he knew how to enjoy himself without company. But what he wasn't expecting, was to find Nene walking out to sit next to him.

The first sound that alerted him of her arrival was the crunching of snow, so he turned his head to see her sitting down on the bench only a few inches apart from where Amane sat.

"I didn't know you were awake," Amane commented.

"I have trouble going to bed most nights, so I normally come outside for a bit."

Amane was shocked. "O-oh, me too.."

"I wasn't planning on coming out tonight, since the weather, but I saw you leaving the house and thought I'd join you," They were both speaking in quiet voices, as if they both knew the peaceful bliss of the night was not to be disturbed.

The cold seemed to seem though Amane's clothes, and he shivered, rubbing his arms in attempt to create friction. Still, he was glad for Nene sitting close to him, some of her body heat warming him as well.

"So, uh, are you also interested in space?" Amane asked, trying to strike up conversation. Back to awkward silences we go..

"Mm, the stars, I suppose. I just find the thought of such a large space out there amazing. Like, how everything is so large and far apart, yet seems so close.. ah, sorry, I'm rambling," Nene apologized, a puff of steam leaving her mouth.

Amane was staring at her with wide eyes. "Ah, no, don't apologize for rambling, I also love the stars.."

Nene hummed in agreement, brining her knees back up to her chest to warm herself further.

"Ah, are you cold? Um, we can go inside if you'd like.." Amane offered.

Nene's eyelids began to droop, and she scooted closer towards Amane, pressing her body against his and leaning in close, resting her head on his shoulder.

His face flushed, normally he was a bit of a flirty person but when it came to Nene,? he was unable to move, as flustered as he was. "Let's go inside, it's too cold tonight, ahahah.." He quickly stood up, taking Nenes hand in his and started speed walking to the front of the house.

【𝚜𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚠𝚋𝚎𝚛𝚛𝚢 𝚜𝚔𝚒𝚎𝚜】&gt;Amanene - TBHK&lt;  .••°Where stories live. Discover now