The next morning, instead of being awoken by the usual tinkle of wind chimes and the chirping of birds, Nene woke up to the sound of voices speaking.
"Please pass me an egg."
"I'll crack the egg on your head."
"Touch him and your out of my house, Mitsuba."
Groggily, Nene sat up and ran her fingers through her hair, brushing out all the tangles from the night before.
After a while she stood up and changed out of her clothes from the previous night and into a light pink and white striped sweater and a light pink skirt, which she found in Aoi's dresser. After, she went out into the living room.
"Oh, Daikon-Senpai! Your finally awake!"
Nene paused after hearing Mitsuba call her 'Daikon-Senpai', but decided to ignore his comments and instead focus on what Aoi was cooking.
"Ghost shaped eggs?" She asked, smiling slightly.
"It's cute, isn't it?" Aoi turned around and grinned. "I found the idea from a fall cookbook I found in my attic! Gets you in the mood for Halloween, hmm~?"
Nene nodded. "It's cute!"
"I'm making sausages. It doesn't have anything to do with Halloween." Amane said, standing next to Aoi at the stove.
"Nene !! Come sit with me over here!" Tsukasa called her over.
"Ahhh~ I'm so excited to go out with you guys tonight!" He said as she sat down on the couch next to him. "I hope they do that thing where the actors chase you with chainsaws!"
Nene paled. "They chase you with WHAT?"
"They won't, don't worry Nene. They're just props," Aoi assured from the kitchen.
"Tsukasa, set the table, the food is ready now." Amane flicked him on the back of his head.
"So rude.." Tsukasa grumbled before getting up and helped Kou set the table.
After a while Nene joined them at the table.
"Aoi, where did you put my Halloween costume? We will be wearing them for the maze, correct?" Nene said, piling pancakes on her plate.
"It's in the guest room closet, and yes we will be wearing them."
For the rest of the morning, the group ate breakfast and hung out, and at lunch they all split up to get ready.
Aoi and Nene stayed at the house, perfecting the house and adding finishing touches to the decoration.
Kou and Mitsuba went to the market to buy candy to leave it for the trick or treaters, and Amane and Tsukasa just went off doing who knows what.
"Finally! It's 8:00, only one more hour until we can finally go to the corn maze!" Aoi cried out, happily. "It feels like we've been waiting foooreeeverrrr~"
Nene giggled at her, as she was hanging off the front of the couch, her head towards the floor and her knees locked over the back to keep her from falling.
"I don't think i've ever asked you, what are you going as?" Nene asked, closing her book.
"A flower fairy!" She smiled.
The girls got up to get into their costumes, tired of sitting around waiting. Eventually, after a while, the four boys showed up in their costumes as well.
"I cant believe I let you force me into being a ghost buster." Mitsuba mumbled. "It looks so stupid on me.." The sleeves were too long and only the tips of his fingers could be seen.

【𝚜𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚠𝚋𝚎𝚛𝚛𝚢 𝚜𝚔𝚒𝚎𝚜】>Amanene - TBHK< .••°
Fanfiction.••° Yashiro Nene lives in a small cottage deep in the woods, and once a week she travels through the forest to the village to buy groceries. Recently, a boy named Amane has seen her around and wants to work up the courage to speak to her. just re...