<3 - chapter thirteen - <3

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please vote my chapters! it means a lot to me, thank you guys:) 

/ pasted again up here cuz idk if anyone reads my a/n at the bottom lol /

The next morning after the sleepover, everyone hung around for a bit to have breakfast before heading home. After that, they didn't hang out together for maybe a week, as Nene had gotten a new part time job at the café in order to help with the rent of staying at the inn for so long.

Nene waved good-bye to the last customer of the day, sighing and dusting off her uniform. She headed to the back to take it off, and when she was doing that she looked over to her left to the calendar pinned on the wall.

December 17th..

Nene felt like the last couple months after meeting her new friends had gone by faster then most of her life had on its own, I mean, how was Christmas approaching already? 

She clocked out and stepped out of the store, the bells jingling as the door opened. The sun had set below the horizon already, and the weather had only gotten colder these past few weeks.

On her way back to the motel, she paused and turned her head when she heard her name being called out.

It was Amane.

"Hi Amane, what's up?"

He jogged a bit to catch up to her. "We haven't seen each other in a while, have we?" He asked to start up a conversation.

"Yeah, what's up with that? I haven't seen you or Tsukasa walking around at all these days." The two of them started walking again, towards the crosswalk where you could choose the take the path to the Inn or Amane's neighborhood.

"Sorry. Tsukasa got really sick a few days after the sleepover and I had to take care of him. Otherwise, we would've come out and visited you at your job. Congratulations on that, by the way!"
He grinned.

"How'd you know about that?" She asked, smiling. "Oh! And also, how's Hanako?"

"Aoi told me. And Hanako's doing great! He and Tsukasa are like, best friends now. Oh! You should totally come over and say hi, e-eh.. if you want to of course." Amane blushed and started fidgeting a bit at the last sentence.

Nene nodded. "That sounds great! It's not that late anyways, so I'd love to see Hanako again," Nene missed the soft touch of his fur.

She had gone over to their house a couple times to see him, but only ever with other people there.

She secretly grew a little excited to be inside a boys house, alone. Even if he was just her friend and his brother was over, it felt like she was subtly filling her younger-selves desire for romance. Or just anything like that, in general.

But she snapped her self out of that mindset when she was reminded that the boy she was hanging out with was in fact one of her closest friends, and nothing even remotely romantic could ever happen between them.

She sighed, and was immediately reminded of her loneliness.

"Everything okay?" Amane asked and patted her shoulder, which quickly sent her spiraling into a blushing mess.

"A-ahh I'm okay!!" She jumped back and avoided eye contact with him, trying to forget all about how she almost saw him in a romantic tone.

"Um, alright. Well we're almost at my house. Tsukasa isn't sick anymore but he's probably still annoying." Nene giggled.

"No offense to Tsukasa, but he's way too wild. Don't tell him I said this, but your definitely my favorite twin," Nene whispered for emphasis.

Amane's face lit up and he turned away to hide it.
'Nene's favorite twin..' It was a title he didn't know he needed, but was proud to have achieved.

【𝚜𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚠𝚋𝚎𝚛𝚛𝚢 𝚜𝚔𝚒𝚎𝚜】&gt;Amanene - TBHK&lt;  .••°Where stories live. Discover now