Pool Stunt

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It's about a week after the camp out and me, Yeah-yeah, and Squints were sent to go buy a ball.

"Come on. Give it to me."

"No I wanna carry it."


"Lily paid for it. Who do you think should hold it?" Squints asks, bringing me into the argument.

"No, no, no, no. You're not bringing me into your little squabble. I don't care." I tell them.

Not like that did any good though. They just went back to fighting about the ball anyway.

Squints suddenly stops walking and Yeah-Yeah takes the opportunity to grab the ball from his hand.

"Woah. Jeez Louise."

"What's a matter?" Yeah-Yeah asks Squints.

Don't tell me. I already know.

"Wendy Peffercorn. Mmm." Squints says pointing to the girl walking directly at us.

Subtle, man.

She glances at both boys before turning to cross the street. I start walking back to the sandlot, not caring if they're following me or not and Yeah-Yeah seems to notice.

"Come on, let's go. We gotta get to the sandlot." Yeah-Yeah tells Squints.


That's all I hear before I'm too far away to catch anything else.

I end up getting to the sandlot way before they do.

"Where are the other 2?" Benny asks me as I walk up to the dugout.

"Last I was with them, Squints couldn't stop staring at Wendy's ass and Yeah-Yeah was trying to get him out of it." I say, making the boys laugh.

"You got the ball though right?" he asks, checking.

"Yeah, we got it. Yeah-Yeah had it when I left them." I respond as I get a soda and sit down at the end of one of the benches.

A few minutes later we start to hear voices and we all turn our attention to the sandlot's entrance.

Yeah-Yeah is dragging Squints by the arm as he is still protesting.

"Where you guys been? We've been waiting here forever already." Benny asks them as they walk up.

"Ah, Squints was perving a dish." Yeah-Yeah says handing Benny the ball and making me laugh in the process.

"Shut up. I wasn't." Squints says walking under the dugout cover.

"Yeah-Yeah you were. Your tongue was hanging out of your head and you was swooning. Oh, Wendy Peffercorn, my darling lover girl." Yeah-Yeah says doing an over the top impression of Squints making all of us laugh.

"I said shut up! I gotta lot of things on my mind."

"Yeah like Wendy's ass." I murmur to myself, making Kenny choke on his soda which makes me laugh even more.

"This pop isn't working Benny. I'm baking like a toasted cheeser. It's so hot here!" Ham wines.

"It's 150 degrees out there. You can't play baseball. You gotta call it for the day." Squints tells Benny.

"You gotta listen to him, Benny." Bertram says, backing up Squints.

"Vote then," that caught my attention, "anybody who wants to be a can't-hack-it panty waste... who wears their momma's bra, raise your hand."

Everybody puts their hand up except for me.

"A what?" I ask Benny, sounding offended.

"Uh- I mean... pretty girl who don't wanna play cause it's so hot... raise your hand."

Waiting It Out - Benny Rodriguez - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now