Half Day

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"The upcoming tests are going to count for 30% of your grade for the semester in all your classes so study hard." Our English teacher tells the class.

The bell goes off and we all start collecting our things.

"Have a good half day!" she shouts to the class before we leave.

All grade levels got a half day off today since it's Memorial Day so each class' time was cut in half today. Wasn't new material or anything. Just a brush up of stuff we've been working on through out the year before our end-of-year testing next week. 

The tests are schedudled for the last week of school, Monday through Thrusday. Friday's our field day and last day of school so we'll probably being signing up for that stuff on Monday in homeroom.

"You know what you wanna do for field day?" Kenny asks me, turning in his seat.

"Not really. Always hoping for tug of war." I say.

We stand up and walk out of the class.

We reach his locker first since it's almost directly outside of the classroom.

"What about the 100 yard dash?" he suggests while opening his locker and putting away his textbook. "You'd kill at that. Go road runner and the whole thing's over in 5 minutes."

"It's not like I'm getting a prize. I don't need to go road runner." I tell him. "I could wip ass in 7 minutes without going road runner just for the fun of it."

"True." he says while laughing.

We get to my locker to already see Benny and Bertram standing near it.

"Hey." Kenny greets the two of them as I open my locker.

"Hi." Benny whispers in my ear.

I smile to myself and put my textbook in my locker befor shutting it.

I turn to him and our faces aren't even two inches apart.

"Hey." I say.

I notice Kenny and Bertram looking at us silently in the corner of my eye so I look over to see them making stupid smitten faces at the sight of us.

"Shut up." I tell them and they start laughing.

Benny grabs my hand and leads me towards the exit of the hall with the dimwits following.

"What're you doing for field day?" I ask him.

"I'll try to get tug of war." he responds.

"That's a given." I say.

"I've been considering the 100 yard dash too." he tells me.

"Yeah?" I ask and he nods. "I'm not to sure about what else I'm doing."

"Don't worry about it." he says. "I'm sure the rest guys will have ideas."

Since it's a half day, we all said we'd get to the sandlot whenever we could.


We got to the sandlot at about 1 and all the others were already here.

"They're here!" I hear Yeah-Yeah shout to the others from the dugout.

"It's about time." Squints says.

We make it over to the dugout to meet the others.

"You two too busy kissing?" Timmy asks teasingly.

"Well..." Benny drags out with a smile.

I playfully shove him away but he catches my hand, pulling me into him.

"Oooo." the boys all say in unison. 

Waiting It Out - Benny Rodriguez - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now