February 12th

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Benny never cracked. 

I can't even count how many times I tried to get it out of him but he refused to tell me. 

I have no idea where's he taking me and now I'm stressing on what to wear.

And it's not just one outfit I have to pick out. Oh no. That'd be too easy for Benjiman Franklin Rodriguez.

Yesterday he informmed me to "pack a bag" with any and all night time hygiene I'll need overnight and in the moring. Plus an extra outfit and clothes I'll be comfortable sleeping in.


What the fuck kind of a first date is this?

"I need you."

I just called Ivy, telling her to come over and help me.

I can't tell Benny I'm stressing because I don't want him to worry about weather or not I'll enjoy whatever he has planned.


Benny's pov:

I'm so fucking stressed.

What if she doesn't like it?

What if she doesn't want to see me again after this?

What if the date goes so horribly and she doesn't want to become a couple?

These kinds of questions have been circling in my head since her birthday.

It hit me then that we were one month away from today and I've barely been keeping it together.

I know it was kind of weird for me to ask her to pack a bag of overnight stuff but there's a chance she'll need it. This isn't gonna be the traditional first date and that's the point. 

I want to surprise her.

My mom's gonna pick her up and take her to the place where this is all being held in a few hours. 

I'm already here... just making sure everything's ready and perfect. I can't afford anything to go wrong.


Normal pov:


Ivy came over and quickly helped me pick out my clothes.

We started watching some movie cause she wanted to distract me but I don't even know what she chose.

I can't stop thinking about tonight. I can't pay attention to anything else.

I've been looking forward to this for months and I really do want this to go well.

The movie appartently ended. I glanced back up at the TV to see the end credits.

"Good movie, right?" Ivy asks me.

"Mhm?" I ask back, not yet registering what she said. "Oh, yeah. Good movie."

"What was your favorite part?" she asks knowing damn well I didn't pay attention the whole time.

"I feel like you already know." I tell her.

I wasn't gonna do the 'I liked all of it' bit. That never works.

"Well, I have a feeling I know but I want to hear you say it." she says.

God dammit, Ivy.

"You should always follow your gut." I respond.

She groans and lets her head fall back in annoyance.

Waiting It Out - Benny Rodriguez - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now