Christmas Eve

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Today wasn't a crazily abnormal day.

For me anyway.

Jen and Benny may say differently.

It's not too late in the day now. Around 4-ish.

The only weird thing for me today is that I haven't seen Benny or Jen since I fell asleep at their house last night.

I ended up hanging out with Yeah-Yeah, Timmy, and Tommy in the tree house.

We're just playing monopoly.

The most infuriating board game to ever exist. No debate.

"I just got out of jail!" Bertram yells as he strikes yet another unfortunate situation. "You can't send me back this quick!"

"Ha-ha." Timmy says mockingly.

He's been buying up all Bertram's property since he can't afford much more of this. He's still getting money but he's running out of it fast.

The only reason I haven't seen Benny and Jen is because they went to go pick up Jen's sister from the airport at like 9 this morning. Long before I was awake.

Her flight's been delayed close to 10 times and she "forgot" to inform them so they had to sit in the airport for 3 hours before she finally landed.

Not to mention that it's a two hour drive to the airport. 

Her and Jen have never been close but I guess what's-her-face guilted Jen into letting her stay for the next week.

I've never met her but I don't like what Jen has told me. All this shit about how she was spoiled and takes good people for granted.

I'm pretty sure she's just couch surfing.

I'm not sure how much she'll be involved as far as being around other homo sapiens. Like going to the Palledorous' Christmas party or hell, even being outside of the guest bedroom.

I had just finished my turn when I got a call from a local number.

"Hold up, guys." I say and walk out to the balcony, picking up a blanket on the way.

Since it's so cold outside, we stock the treehouse with pillows and thick blankets so we can still hang out in there.

You can't even see the floor anymore.

"Hello?" I ask after I accept the call.

"Hello." A woman's voice says. "Is this Yn Yln?"

"Yes, it is." I confirm.

"Hi!" the voice perks up. "My name's Florence Kim. I'm opening a clothing store on main street and Jennifer Martinez recommended me to you. She was very clear that you had impressive seamstress skills."

Thank fucking god, Jen.

"The store I'm opening will focus on alterations for clothing customers bring in but will take used and pre-made pieces to create clothing items customers can shop for in-store." she explains. "Would you be interested in coming in for a seamstress position?"

"I would." I accept her offer. "When would you like me to come in for an interview?"

"That won't be necessary." she informs me.


"I'm sorry?"

"I won't need to interview you for this position." she clarifies. "Jennifer was kind enough to show me some things you've done in the past. Including making an entire jersey from scratch and I found it quite impressive. However, I will give you a test run before we seal-the-deal."

Waiting It Out - Benny Rodriguez - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now