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After I had breakfast at the Rodriguez's, I figured I should go over and see my dad now and get it over with.

He requests that we see each other at least once during his vists. Weather that means a meal or 5 minute conversation. I don't want to have to do it when I'm tired after coming from the sandlot so I'll go over now.

I already have a chunk of my stuff in the Rodriguez's guest room so I don't have to spend more time there getting ready.

I knock on the door instead of just walking in cause I know he hates that and there's no need to anger him.

The door opens showing him in dress shoes, formal pants, and a white button up.

"Hello, Yn." he greets me with a tight-lip smile.


"Do you want to come in?" he asks, extending the door open for me to walk into.

Instead of saying something snarky, I silently step through the door.

I stand in the living room, waiting for him to start the session.

"How's your summer been so far?" he asks me.


He never cares about what I'M doing. It's always just minimal details and vague responses.

"Fine..." I tell him, almost asking him.

"How are all your friends?" he asks.

"Good."  What the hell is going on? "Do you... need something?" I ask him hesitantly.

"No, no. I just want to know." he tells me and looks down at his feet. "Well, now that you mention it..." knew it, "there is a possibility I could get a position with the Yankees. Full-time. They'd double the pay I get now but we'd have to move to New York."

I'm sorry. What?

I look at him with a somewhat shocked face.

"You're kidding... right?"

"Not at all. What's wrong with moving to New York? They could set us up right in Manhattan." he tells me with a smile.

"Oh and just flip my life over? Without checking with me." I'm fuming at this point. "Why can we just do what we do right now? You only have to be here a few days a month and I can stay."

"Well It'd be a lot harder to travel so often. And we could... bond this way." he says hesitantly. "We could fix our relationship."

"What relationship?"

He opens his mouth to speak and I stop him.

"We have no relationship. We've never had a relationship. The last time we were "close"" I say with air quotes, "was when I was a tadpole."

"Well, you still have time." he says, now with an angry tone. "The position won't become available until the person who's currently occupying it has retired. That's almost two years away."

I can't argue anymore.

I walk towards the door, despite his objections, and head back over to the Rodriguez's.

I go through the door and head straight to the guest bedroom, then close the door.

I heard Benny and Jen call out for me and ask what was wrong but I can't stop seeing red.

It's like when he threw me out of the house a few years back. I'm not sad, I'm pissed.

I hear a knock on the door and a muffled, "It's Benny. Can I come in?" I tell him he can and he carefully walks in a closes the door behind him. "What'd he say?"

Waiting It Out - Benny Rodriguez - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now