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It's been 6 fucking months.

I've been looking for a job that would remotely involve my interest in being a seamstress but no. No one is willing to hire a 15, almost 16, year old to handle clothing.

Not like I ever got an interview or anything. They won't even let me have a trial project to show that I can be trustworthy in such a situation.

And of course I'm ranting to Jen about all of this.

"So what I'm only almost 16? Doesn't mean my skill set is limited. That number only counts how many times I've been around the sun so what should it matter if I can actually do something useful?" I vent without looking for an answer.

"While I agree with that in this instance, that number isn't always useless." she says in reference to alcohol and such things.

It's about 9-ish now so we should be expecting Benny back at any moment.

He's been doing good at Rino's and I'm doing my best to try and convince him not to waste all his money on me.

I'll tell him how it should be going to something he'll need in the long run, like a car, but he'll just come back with a "you don't think I'll need you in the long run?".

As sweet as that is, I won't require money from him. Rent for an apartment just might.

I open my mouth to continue but Jen starts coughing.

And not like 'my throat is scratchy' kinda coughs. Like 'I may or may not be coughing up blood' coughs. 

I quickly get up from my seat at the table and get her a glass of water to help calm whatever's causing the irritation.

"You okay?" I ask her as I sit back down and slide the glass to her. "This has been happening pretty often these past few weeks."

She takes a long sip of water before answering.

"Yeah. Just been having some allergies or something recently. You know, with how cold it is."

"Sure. Let's hope you're feeling better Thursday. I'd appreciate it if you weren't have allergies all over my Christmas presents." I joke.

"That's in two days. Give a girl time." she says before she breaks out coughing again.

I get up but go over to the kitchen to get a cough drop for her this time.

They seem to have been helping. She goes through them like it's no one's business.

I open the drawer they're kept in and find a box but no cough drops.

I close the drawer before walking over to the door and beginning to put my coat on.

"Where are you going?" she manages to get out.

"You're out of cough drops so I'm gonna head over to Vincent's and get you some." I tell her and grab my wallet. "I won't be long. You want anything else?"

She shakes her head no since she can't get out any words.

I walk out and begin to walk to the store when I get a call from Benny.

"Hey." I greet.

"Hey, princesa." I hear him say. "We just closed so I should be there in under 30 minutes."

Weak knees I swear. 

You never think it'll actually have that effect but it continues to surprise me every fucking time.


"What are you two doing?"

"I'm on the way to get your mother some cough drops." I inform him.

Waiting It Out - Benny Rodriguez - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now