Brainstorming Once Again

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Similar to how we began to solve our last problem, we're all quietly sitting in the treehouse. Trying to come up with some way to get the ball back, clean up the glass inside the house, and replace the window before the movers come in two days.

"What if we wait til the movers get here and explain the situation to them." Smalls suggests.

"Too risky." Squints turns down his idea. "How are we supposed to know they'd help us? I doubt they'd act like Mr. Mertle did. We're just some kids they've never met before."

I actually agree with him this time.

"Hold on," Benny says to all of us, "we're trying to figure out how to fix three different problems at the same time."

"We should just go one at a time." Kenny finishes Benny's thought for him.

"What's first?" Timmy asks.

"Getting the ball back." I answer.

I'm getting major deja vu.

"But it's in the house." Squints points out. No duh, man. "How are we supposed to get it back?"

"That part's simple." I tell him.

"What are we gonna do?" Smalls asks.

"I'm simply gonna go in there and get it." I respond.

"You ca-"

"Don't try and convince me not to, Rodriguez." I cut him off.

"She has a point." Timmy.

"She has a point." Tommy.

"Yeah, yeah. If we had let her go over the fence last summer when she first wanted to, we could've had the ball back way sooner. Plus, we have more than one thing to do this time."

Benny looks at me with an uneasy and questioning look.

I look back and give him a quick nod.

He nods back before speaking up again.

"Alright." he agrees. "We're wasting time sitting here."

Waiting It Out - Benny Rodriguez - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now