The Wound

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Mikey POV:




I touched the wound, it stung badly but...It felt...nice.
"It hurts..." I whisper to myself, not knowing I said it aloud.

"What was that Mikey?" Donnie asked, looking concerned.

I look down to the ground. 'You don't want him to worry about you Michealangelo' someone said in my mind, 'Suck it up Michealangelo. You're fine.' I was confused, even a bit scared.
I felt something touch my shoulder, Donnie's hand. I pulled away.

"I'm fine D." I said, still staring at the ground.

"Are you sure? I can help you, you know." Donnie said worried.

"I'm alright! Let's just go home." I said looking up.

I was continued to walk but the wound wouldn't stop stinging. I held my side, the wound stung like shell. It feels like a normal deep cut...nothing more...

'You're correct Michealangelo' The voice said

I was startled, but kept running. This voice was giving me quite a headache.

'Don't ignore me Michealangelo. I know you can hear me.'

I ignored it once again, causing a bigger headache. Me and Donnie FINALLY got home.

"Where were you guys?" Leo asked.

I managed to sneak away from the conversation to my bedroom. I closed the door quietly and locked it.

'Michealangelo don't trust your brothers or Sensei, they are against you.'

"No they're not. You're just a stupid voice in my head who won't leave me alone." I replied angrily.

'Michealangelo, you can trust me. If you don't, I can and will cause damage to you.'

"How can you cause damage to me?" I chuckled, "You're just a voice."

'I can show you how much power I have over you Michealangelo.'

"If I'm being honest, I'd prefer you'd call me Mikey voice dude."

'Ugh. Just to gain your trust, I will call you Mikey.'

"Ok, Cool. But what did you mean by you can cause damage to me?"

The voice laughed at me. I got quite uncomfortable at the sound of his laughter. Why was it so deep? Why was it so familiar? Why...did I just start hear it?

' what I mean'

I felt dizzy...extremely dizzy. I grabbed on to the closest thing near me. I felt horrible, I felt like I could pass out any minute. I tried to find my door. I felt myself falling over but I managed to grab the door handle and opened it. I stumbled outside to try and find my brothers. I noticed my vision was starting to blur, and had black spots in them. I could barely see one of them turning towards me.



Wow ok. First chapter already somethings happening. Will Mikey figure out why the voice is so...familiar? Did his brothers notice he literally passed out on the floor? Lol.

482 words

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