Additions to the Foot Clan

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Thanks for all the reads yall!!! Im so happy rn!!! ❤️❤️

Raph POV

No.No.No.No.No.No.NO.NO.NO.NO.NO My baby brother...

"My son. Attack the purple masked turtle!" Shredder exclaimed.

Mikey hesitated. He was under Shredders control but...he didn't attack Donnie? Why?

"Baxter. Why isn't he attacking Donatello."

"He zzeeems to have zzome kind of....zzppeacial relationship with the purple." Baxter replied.

Shredder slowly nodded and looked back towards me and Leo.

"Will he attack the other imbeciles." Shredder questioned.

"Mozzt likely sir." Baxter confirmed, "Zzhall we tezzzt the theory?"

"Might as well. Release the turtles."

I breathed heavily. Didn't Shredder switch his memories? Why does he-

"Attack my son!" Shredder yelled.

Mikey swiftly stood up, sprinting straight towards me and Leo. I never noticed I was unchained. I reached for my weapons, but stopped myself. I forgot Tiger Claw stole our weapons. I sighed in frustration and looked at Leo.

"Raph we have to get Mikey ou-" Leo started, but was tackled by Mikey.

"Leo!" I screamed running towards my brother.

I noticed Mikey was fighting way differently. But one thing did catch my eye. He used the same kata as he did in training. A kata we were never taught.

"Mikey stop!" I yelled, hoping he would listen to me.

"Oh shut up Raphael! You made me think I'm a doll moron!" Mikey barked at me.

I was speechless. Mikey never called my by my first name. He always said moron was a 'bad word'.

"You shut up!" I screamed back, tackling him.

After that, it was like a cat fight. We were throwing punches, kicks, even biting each other.

Donnie POV

I sat there, staring at my brothers fighting each other. I felt useless in the situation. Wait a minute.. I forgot to put away the sedative needle. I should still have some of it left. I grabbed a hold of it. I was about to stand up to go towards my brothers but someone stopped me. I turned. Tiger Claw.... he took it out of my hand and threw it away.

"You my friend, will be coming with me." Tiger Claw grinned as he grabbed my arm.

I tried to yank away but his strength was too much for me to handle. I was dragged slowly, watching my brothers fight. Raph was thrown towards a wall with Leo. Mikey gripped his nunchucks and turned to face Shredder.

"Don't worry father. I'll protect you!" Mikey exclaimed, walking towards Shredder.

Shredder seemed to smile...I think. Mikey looked towards me. He then looked behind me, towards some kind of machine. Tiger Claw lifted me onto it and tied me down.

"What do you want from me!?" I wondered, struggling.

"If Michealangelo won't attack you, we'll need you on our side." Tiger Claw snickered.

Tiger Claw reached for something and placed in on my head. I couldn't see anything. It was just darkness... Suddenly, some kind of red light showed up...I can't move anymore...what's...happening?..

Again, I want to change the title of this book and I'm open to any suggestions 🤭❤️

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