The Blood Fountain

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Before I start I would just like to say ITS LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE TO FIND A GOOD MIKEY PICTURE so yea 😡🔪

Mikey POV

'Come on Mikey. Listen to me. I know you can hear me. Talk to me Mikey. I know you're awake.'

"Mikey are you alright? What happened? Here have some water." Donnie said, handing me a glass of water.

"Thanks *cough* D." I grabbed the glass from his hand and take small sips.

'Mikey. Talk to me. You know how I can make you feel. Physically and Emotionally. You know...I can help you defeat know. M- The Shredder.' The voice said, starting to laugh a bit

I could feel my eyes widen a bit. I must talk to the voice. I tell Donnie I'm fine and excuse myself. I ran straight to my room and locked the door.

"What do you mean you can help me defeat the Shredder?"

'I find it quite adorable that your voice gets deep when you say...his name Mikey.'

I laughed a bit. It's quite funny this stranger in my head finds me adorable when my voice goes deep. Wait. Stranger? Finds me...adorable when my voice becomes deep? Now that's just plain creepy...

'I don't mean it in a creepy way Mikey. Don't worry about that.'

I sighed of relief.

"That's good to hear. I got pretty nervous there" I laughed a little.

'I know you got nervous Mikey if I were you..I would be nervous too.'

I then heard someone else talking in my head. But this time it sounded farther away. All I could make out was the machine and ready.

'Mikey. You should attempt to meditate.'

"Uh..why?" I asked, "I mean... I've tried to but it never works..."

'That's why I'm here Mikey. I want to help you. Allow me to clear your mind. Once I do so, close your eyes and block out all of your surroundings.'

I decided to listen to the voice. I obeyed and closed my eyes. I attempted to block out everything, an it worked! I could finally meditate! I felt something warm surround me. Like Donnie hugging me. I opened my eyes to see a room with checkered flooring. Although, I couldn't see the walls, I decided to ignore it. I WAS my subcons...sub-what now? What did sensei call it? Oh right! Subconscious! I think...

'Look behind you Mikey.' The voice echoed.

I turned and saw Shredder. Next to him, was me... fighting him...defeating him...

'I can help you defeat m- him If you'd let me.' The words continuously echoed through the room. It seemed to become louder and louder everytime. I covered my ears trying to stop the endless words.


I felt a hand go on my shoulder. Sensei's hand. I can't stop medidating...I...I don't know how to stop... Wait...didn't I lock the door? How is he....

"Mikey?? Are you alright?"

That was someone sounded a bit like Leo...

'Are you sure you want to go back into the real world Mikey? Do you really want to cancel the mediation?'

"Let me go back to the real world! This instant!" I yelled.

My eyes opened. I was back...I saw the worried look on Sensei and Leo's faces.

"I'm fine... sorry for worrying you guys." I said.

"It's not that Michealangelo. Who were you talking to? I sensed a dark spirit." Splinter asked.

I could only look away. I had no idea who it was. Should I tell him that the voice sounded...familiar? No. I don't want to worry him. But...maybe I should... I've decided. I will.

"Sen- Papa. I was talking to-" I froze. I couldn't speak. I grabbed my throat. I..I couldn't breathe.

"My son. Are you alright?"

Leo just stared at me. Like I was crazy. I'm not crazy. Am I? NO. I need to focus on regaining my breath..

'Don't tell them Mikey. They just want to use you for information. Here, let me help you breathe.'

I suddenly could breathe again. What was happening? Why was it happening?

"My son. Tell me what's wrong. What were you talking about?"

"Nothing important papa." I replied looking to the side.

I noticed Leo left the room. Of course he did. Raphael and Leonardo never cared about me. They always thought I was-

'A doll.'

Splinter sat up and said " if you ever need someone to talk to, I'm always here." He then left my room.

"How did you know?" I asked the voice

'Mikey, you know I can hear your every thought right? I wanted to make sure you knew I was still here.'

I didn't respond. I just looked down at my nunchucks.

'Do it Mikey. You know you want it. If I want it. So. Do. YOU.'

I couldn't control my body. It felt like it wasn't mine any longer. Whoever was controlling me, took the blade part out of MY nunchucks. It placed the nunchuck piece down and slowly took off my wrist bandages.

"Please stop! I don't want to do this..." I cried and pleaded.













I could control myself again. I stared at my wrist. Watching as my blood went down onto my bed.


It was like a bloody water fountain.


No..not water..


It was a...


A blood fountain


I smiled as I grabbed a small towel and wiped the blood on my wrist. I re-bandaged it with clean bandages.

So uh. Yea. That happened. My longest chapter so far. 981 words. Wow that's a lot. I mean could be more. So I feel some people may have figured out who the voice is but, I'm not sure lol anyways imma just go and start working on the next chapter.

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