4 am

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Mikey POV

It's been an hour since someone forced me to do...THAT. I couldn't sleep. I looked at the clock. 4 am. I knew my brothers would be up soon. I stood up. I listened to my surroundings as a slowly walked towards the door.




I paused. What was that dripping noise? I couldn't hear it anymore. The floorboards creaked if I stepped on some of them. But no water leakage what so ever. I continued to walk towards my door, realizing papa left it open. I continued to the kitchen

"What should I make for breakfast?" I whispered to myself.

'You should make scrambled eggs. I'm sure your brothers would thank you for that.'

I looked towards the ground. I have never fed my brothers scrambled eggs before. It's usually pancakes and some tea for papa. Whatever. I'll try it.

Leo's POV

I sat on my bed. Looking towards my Space Heroes action figures. Maybe I was to harsh with Mikey. I mean.. calling him a doll? That's kind of messed up... No. He has to learn. But...is he learning? How would I know.

"Why won't Mikey tell me what's wrong?" I asked myself quietly.

I suddenly smelled something...different. it definitely smelled like eggs but...who would be making eggs at this hour? And what kind of eggs? An omlette? Scrambled? Hard-boiled? I don't know. The only cook is Mikey. He should be asleep...right?

"Maybe not." I said.

I stood up and walked towards the kitchen. I saw a turtle figure, of course.

"Mikey?" I questioned

The figure froze didn't move a muscle.  They turned and saw me. They turned off the lights. I couldn't see him now.

"Mikey is that you?" I asked.

No response. I could hear the eggs on the pan. It smelled...great. I shrugged and went back to my room. Not like I care who made breakfast. At least. I think it was breakfast. I couldnt help but notice the smell of dried blood. Quite a strange smell honestly.

I sighed and said "Why did it smell like that? Maybe it was just me. Yea... it was just me." I laid down on my bed and closed my eyes. 2 more hours until I have to wake up, eat breakfast and start training.

Mikey POV

Someone almost caught me. I think Leo. He thought it was me. He was right. It is me.

'Calm yourself Mikey. Why don't you take a break.' I could hear the voice yawn. As if it were a real person

I decided to ask a question. I mean. It has to answer right? As I was sprinkling the pepper on the eggs, I asked my question.

"Are you a real person?"

The voice didn't answer. I waited for it to tell me. Nothing. As if it was just disconnected. Ugh. I finished the eggs and put them on 4 plates. For papa, Raph, Leo, and Donnie. I don't need to eat. They always say I'm the 'larger' one of the family. I'll be fine. I started boiling water. I grabbed the tea packet and finished Papa's morning tea. I smiled. They'll be proud of me this time! I checked the time. 5:57. It took me 2 hours to make scrambled eggs. That seems like way to much. Sure, I messed up multiple times, but not as much as I thought.

'Sorry I was gone for a bit Mikey. I got distracted.'

I was a bit startled at first. The voice just suddenly started speaking.

"How did you get distracted?" I laughed a little "Aren't you in some kind of void?"

The voice seemed to laugh. Menacingly this time.

'Oh Michealangelo... you make me laugh sometimes. And I haven't laughed in forever!'

I smiled at that. I managed to make someone laugh. And they haven't laughed in forever! I felt amazing! I didn't notice Papa walking towards the kitchen until he grabbed his tea and plate of scrambled eggs.

"This is different than usual my son. Where did you learn to make this?" Splinter said.

I was about to answer but then I realized. Where did I learn to make it? How did I learn to make this?

"I found a recipe! I hope it tastes good!" I lied.

Papa ate it, then left. Not even a thank you. Surprising since he's my father. Leo and Raph came into the kitchen next. Still no thank you. Raph insulted me and called me a doll once again.

"Hey doll! Get me something to drink! Now!" Raph said.

I looked at Leo, but he didn't look back at me.

"Oh yea. Doll can you get me some water? I'm quite thirsty aswell." Leo said.

I did as they told. I gave them what they wanted. Still no thank you. Lastly, Donnie came in the kitchen. I smiled and gave him his plate. Donnie looked at the eggs for a few seconds. He then shoveled it down. He stood up.

"Thanks Mikey." Donnie muttered, then left.

'Congrats Michealangelo. You received a thanks.'

I smiled proudly.

"If I work hard in sparring, would I be seen as not weak?" I asked the voice.

'Of course you will. I can help you win. I swear.'

"Thanks! By the way. Who are you?" I questioned.

'That's not important Mikey.'

"But...it is! I don't want to keep calling you The Voice I wanna call you by your name!" I asked hoping for the answer I'm looking for.

'When the time is right Mikey. When the time is right....'



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