My Responsibility

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So uh that is kinda how I thought Mikey looked like when you read what happens 💪 But of course, IM HORRIBLE AT DRAW8NG THESE GUYS 😮‍💨

Mikey POV

I turned. That horrible voice. I remember now. The Shredder's voice.

"Yes Michealangelo. It was me." Shredder announced.

His voice echoed in the room, as well as my head. He was sitting next to some massive computer.

"The image displayed on the it..." Donnie began, turning towards me, "coming from Mikey's eyes?"

I shivered. That was not something I wanted to hear. How could he see what I was seeing?

"Michealangelo calm yourself. Do you really want to know how I was able to do this?" Shredder grinned.

I nodded. Might as well listen to what he has to say. The Shredder looked at me...

Donnie POV

God this is bad. Mikey had a FREAKING VOICE? IN HIS HEAD? WHY DIDNT HE TELL US.. Whatever. I'll deal with that later. I listened to what Shredder was saying...

" that fight. I snuck a little machine Baxter Stockman made for me onto you." Shredder said.

"Alright. Where the shell is it?!" Mikey barked.

"Ah...that's the thing. It's somewhere inside your shell..."

My eyes widened.

"How did you manage to put a device in his shell!? Oh man....IM GONNA BEAT YOU UNTIL YOU F-" Raph was cut off.

"Raphael, language!" Leo told him.

"As I was saying..I don't know how it got there either. Must've combined with your shell. Of course there is away yo get it out." Shredder announced,turning towards the keyboard.

He clicked a button..Mikey fell.

"Hmph. Ah! Of course. I will 'program' your little sunshine to be a member of the foot clan!" Shredder laughed.

"No!" Raph and Leo screeched reaching for their weapons. Nothing. Their weapons were gone. I reached for mine. Gone as well...

"Hah! You idiots." Tiger Claw said, holding our weapons.

Suddenly, chains wrapped around our arms, pulling us back.

"Watch and see what will happen turtles!" Shredder grinned.

The villains were requesting certain things for their own benefits. I can tell.

"ENOUGH!" Shredder yelled, "My daughter, Karai left me for that dumb rat. I would like a new child! From now on, Michealangelo will be my son! His memories with these disgusting creatures will be switched to bad memories! While my memories, will be switched to happy, and exciting memories."

He stopped. He turned to face us.

"Anything you want to say?" He sneered.

"Yes I w-" Leo started to say.

"Wrong answer."

He clicked a button. A big red button. We all looked at Mikey. His face was scrunched up in pain. I...I was enraged. I struggled and pulled to get away from the chains. I broke free. I ran like a actual cheetah. My little brother. My bundle of joy. In some kind of pain? No. Not happening. I kneeled. Touched his shell, and examined it as quickly as possible. Looking for that stupid machine.

"Wait my minions. He won't find it in time." Shredder taunted.

I searched but nothing. His face was normal. Seemed a bit angry...but normal. His eyes opened. Pitch black with a hint of red... I was to ray of sunshine. My.... ball of responsibility.


So uhm yea. 💪 I hope yall enjoyed this chapter. It's REALLY SHORT but it's kin dof late so yea 😮‍💨

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