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The man laid in the bed with his arms behind his head, staring at the white wall in front of him. Taking in the aftermath of the sex he just partook in, he only groans as his mood became more agitated. Having sex with your wife should make you feel good.

Not the opposite.

Since his mood was now killed, he removes the black comforter off of his half naked body and sits at the edge of the bed, putting his face into his hands.

He hears the bathroom door open from inside the bedroom and soon feels the bed dip as arms make their way around his waist. "What wrong, Tetsu?"

Everything about her annoyed him. He knows it's wrong as she did nothing to him, but he almost feels bad that he has to think of other things to get himself off when they sleep together.

"Nothing." He vaguely states and the woman frowns, "Was it not good?"

"No, Mels. It was fine." She removes her arms and moves her wet black hair to the side, "Well, are you going to bed? You look like you're about to go somewhere."

Was he about to go somewhere? He only moved because he felt like it. Maybe he'll just go to the kitchen. Or check on his son.

"I'll be back before eleven." He voiced, deciding that he will go somewhere. Melody only sighs but tightens the towel around her body. "Don't be out too late. We're meeting the nanny tomorrow."

He had almost forgotten about that. So much for drinking himself drunk to forget the awful sexual encounter he had with his wife.

"Yeah, I'll be back." He tells her as he gets dressed. Being a superficial man of business, he decided he wanted to just be Tetsuro Kuro for the night.

He goes to the black and gold dresser that was in front of the room, pushed up against the wall and grabs black sweatpants.

Kuro hears Melody kiss her teeth, "You're going dressed like that? You just want to look homeless." She complained and he rolls his eyes.

"It's only a quick run." He told her, not caring about her fashion tastes. Once he gets dressed in the sweatpants, a black sweater and he puts on his socks, making his way out of the room.

Going down the hall of the large house, he sees the boy's bedroom door cracked open. He peeks his head in and sees the small light emitting from under the blanket. He chuckles to himself as he turn the light to the bedroom on and then he hears a gasp.

The flashlight clicks off and the cover falls down over his body as he pretends to be asleep. "You're not fooling me, Tatsuya."

The boy peeks his head from underneath the blanket, one gold eye peering from the dark blue cover, "I swear I was going to bed after one more chapter."

"You have school tomorrow. We said lights out at nine." He tells the boy as Tatsuya's head fully peeks out of the comforter.

Kuro wasn't surprised at his son's sneaky antics as he did some similar things when he was his age. The boy was his splitting image after all, so him reading in secret wasn't shocking news.

"I was just getting to the good part, dad." He whispers, not wanting to draw the attention of his step-mom. Kuro ruffles his black hair, "I know buddy, but we said bedtime."

"No, Melody said bedtime. You just agreed with her." He pouts and Kuro sighs. He knows Tatsuya won't warm up to Melody any time soon.

He and Melody have been married for about two years now, so his son was five when the two got married. As messed up as it sounds, Kuro figured that Tatsuya would forget about his real mother and accept Melody but that wasn't the case.

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