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With it being a week since the gala, Gabby sat in her bedroom explaining the whole event to her best friend. Though she omitted the part where she had unknowingly had sex with her boss' father.

"Sounds like you had fun. I wish I could go to a fancy and extravagant party like that." She watches Monica put lipgloss on while she gazed at her reflection on the phone.

"It did get pretty wild. Some girl flashed her boobs and I'm pretty sure she's fired now." Gabby chuckles, looking at her manicured nails.

"Oh that reminds me!" She throws the tube of lip gloss to the side, "Since you missed out the last two years...are you going to be coming to our thanksgiving gathering? You know...the one we've had since high school?"

Gabby begins to feel bad hearing Monica hint at their old tradition that she had abandoned. Her, Monica, Akaashi and Bokuto would get together to cook and drink together while talking about the things they are thankful for.

"Hmm..." She thinks about it. She doesn't know what Kuro has planned but since Monica asked her first, she'll go with her. Part of her was avoiding Kuro since the incident and it was hard to face him.

She could tell he wants to talk with her, but she would always busy herself with homework or with the young Tatsuya. Going away with her friends would calm her down a bit and she could even mess around with Bokuto just to take her mind off things.

"Yeah, I'll go. How about I rent us a cabin and we can have the whole place to ourselves?" Gabby suggests and Monica scream in glee. She could only imagine what the four of them could get into while be intoxicated and having a whole place to themselves.

"It's great to have a rich best friend! That sounds so fun."

Gabby just laughs at her before a knock sounds at her door. "I have to go Moni. Work is calling. I'll text you with more details."

"Okay! Love you." Monica waves at the camera.

"Love you too."

Gabby ends the FaceTime and gets up to answer the door. Surprised, she sees Tatsuya looking up at her. "Hi, baby. What's wrong?"

"Nothing. Just wanted to see you..." he tells her and she smiles. She steps aside and lets him inside her room. The boy has been busy with school since it's his last week before break. Between his schooling and after school activities, she hadn't see him around much.

Kuro was still at work and Melody was at her salon, so that just left the two of them for the evening.

"Aw, you can hang out with me. I'm not doing much."

He smiles and goes to her bed, jumping in and climbing underneath her blankets. She giggles as he makes himself comfortable and she does the same.

Tatsuya cuddles his head onto her chest and she strokes his black hair. "Something is wrong..." she tells him suddenly and he looks up at her.

"How did you know?"

"I didn't notice it when you were standing in front of me, but I can feel you shaking. What's wrong?" She explains, wrapping her other arm around him to embrace him. He looks down and snuggles into the warmth.

"Just...thinking about things."


He nods. "I don't like Melody..." he began. Gabby chuckles, "You and me both."

She hears him giggle but he continues, "Dad tries to have me like her and I do try for him but...she's just bad. She's mean sometimes and I don't think I could ever call her my mom."

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