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"You're here earlier than I expected." The older man asserts, not turning his head toward the entrance as he already knows who entered the office.

"Why are you here? Yuuji said you had a meeting." The younger version of him responds, shutting the door and walking over to his desk to set his brown bag down.

Kuro wasn't expecting his father this morning, but it was a good thing he was here. After spending time with Gabby and feeling true happiness for once, he was ready for it to all be over.

He knows his father is a smart man, but he always has bricks for brains when it comes to him. Clearing his throat, he slowly paces over to the sitting area and sits on the couch across from Tatsuya.

The man didn't know why his father was waiting for him. The only reason he did get there early was so he could finish the day faster and go spend time with his mistress (he hates calling her that but they don't have any labels because he's married) and son.

"Can't I visit my only son and have a chat?" He claims innocently but Kuro knew all to well that it was far from endearing and innocent.

"You've never wanted to have a chat before." He contends, turning away from the man to check his watch, "I have things to do. You always got onto me about wasting time."

"Sad that you waited until you were a thirty-three year old man to finally have some punctuality." Tatsuya gripes, lifting up from the back of the couch to set his feet firmly on the tile floor beneath them.

Kuro could tell from the identical stare the man sent him that he was on business and business only. Nothing fatherly or friendly was ever in this man's vocabulary. Not backing down, Kuro clears his throat and mimics his posture.

Tatsuya only grins, "You're more like me than you realize."

"What's with all this side-talk? What are you here for, old man." Kuro responds, sending a glare his way. Tatsuya isn't threatened by it and just chuckles.

"Alright." He laces his fingers together and rests his elbows on his knees. "I've noticed your closeness with your nanny? You know, the college student that watches Tatsu."

His blood begins to boil hearing him talk about her as if that's all she's good for. Kuro knows what his father is doing and he won't play this game with him.

"She treats Tatsu well and she does other duties around the manor too all while managing school. She's dutiful." He compliments, though he knows he could say much more about her. "But she's like family at this point. Tatsu loves her and her and Melody...could be better acquainted if she would stop pulling childish tricks on her."

"What do you mean?"

"Melody tried to frame Gabby for theft. After I had Gabby work to help Melody out she goes and tries to paint her as a criminal." He told him, gripping his fist. "What kind of wife does that to an innocent person?"

"Oh how wicked the wicked are." He chides, "That woman is nothing but trouble, but you're right. Gabby isn't like that. You know, she reminds me a lot of Natsuki."

Kuro's ear twitches. Sure he's made the comparison before, but when he really thought about it, Gabby wasn't like her at all. He loved Natsuki, but she was standoffish. He didn't doubt that she loved him, but she didn't act like it in the last two years before her death.

She would always be behind closed doors, wouldn't spend time with him or Tatsuya, would deny dates or any alone time. He didn't fall out of love with her, but he thought she fell out of love with him.

That was until he stumbled upon her in the bathtub, blood pooling from her wrist and tinting the water. Even seeing that gruesome sight, he wasn't as devastated as he should have been.

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