taking AU matters into my own hands

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(If nobody will make that mgaical mirror AU then FINE! I'LL DO IT MYSELF! Also very wordy, vague, insanely OOC but that's a given, unorganized and not dialogue heavy. Italics indicate a shift in POV)

There are tales of old that have wishes and happily ever afters yet she stopped believing them. Not when her country was plunged into war which started a domino effect in her already lonely life.

She's born with an illness that makes her frail so she's confined to her home? Whatever, at least her friends can come over. Oh now there's a fucking war and now you're separated! At least het parents are with her right? Wrong again, they went out to get help and have yet to return! Stupid.

Saki sighed and decided not to wollow on it forever. She was safe in the attic and she had enough food to survive for probably a few more weeks. She was still alive and she had the piano to entertain herself. It's just, what used to be a reality of friendship became but a dream to her now.


Yet another dull day for lonely Saki Tenma. She crawled to the old mirror to fix herself up when the image of a boy appeared instead of her reflection. He popped up and understandebly, Saki jumped back.

She grabbed a pillow and smacked the mirror. "AHH! WAIT!" the boy yelled before the mirror fell back. "Woah this attic is filthy!" he commented, having no choice but to stare at the roof from the floor. "Y-you're sentient?!" Saki gasped. "That's right. Now please put the mirror back up, I can see a spider and I don't like it."

Saki put the mirror upright and took a good look at the boy. (His clothes are the ones he wears in his torpe card I was just too lazy to describe it). And he was practically identical to her.

"Who are you?" she asked. "Why, I'm the greatest magician in all the land of course!" he answered. Great, not much to get off of. "The Tsukasa Tenma at your service, my liege!" he gave a dramatic bow. He was funny, Saki thought. He looked up at her and flashed a wide grin. It looked like her's.

"Ah, but a true magician wouldn't just claim it! Allow me to demonstrate my unrivaled skills!" he proclaimed confidently. He opened his palm and light burst forth, illuminating the attic. Saki gazed in awe.

"If you have a wish, just tell me."

Saki whooped her head back. He was smiling a bit, he meant it. She placed her palm on the mirror. "Then, say my name." she asked. Tsukasa chuckled and placed his hand on her's(it was warm, she thought). "Saki." he uttered.

Maybe he could be her first friend in a while. Having some company, although he was a mirror image, was better than staying in a musty attic alone.

Having him by her side made it less dull.


Tsukasa kept his promise. Whatever Saki wished for, he granted.

"I wish to be healed." she said. And lo and behold, Saki had stood up for the first time in years. Tsukasa had conjured up some things to help her learn how to walk again. She was absolutely ecstatic.

Although she did notice Tsukasa prefered to sit now instead of standing.


The magician found out about the war happening. "I wish the war would stop." she wished. And it was granted. "Look outside." the magician said.

Saki stared out the window and everything was... peaceful. Saki heard a knock. She covered the mirror to hide Tsukasa and ran down the stairs. Her parents! They were home!

"Saki!" the two called and hugged their daughter. "Mom! Dad!" the girl cried.

It did not take long before Saki's old friends started coming too.


"Are you sure you're willing to do this? Give up peace when you can barely walk?" the voice asked. "Of course. Things have always been this way here, after all. I'm just giving back what she's due." the boy nonchalantly responded. "The war maybe but since when did you struggle to stand?" the man teased. "Shut up." the magician rolled his eyes.


Saki recalled a dream from childhood, where she lived in a magnificent palace and she was a princess. A small, naive dream she laughed at now that she's matured.

Still, a dream is a dream. Saki still had some of that childhood naivety in her. And of course, a dream is a wish and granting a wish is what Tsukasa does best.

As Saki stared at her new room in the palace, she was in awe once again. Yet she can't help but feel a sense of familiarity in this place, as though she's been here already.

Strangely, her magician friend's outfit was less grand than before.


Every single wish she had was granted. Look at her now, a healthy, respected ruler with friends, and many acquaintances and allies, no longer the frail and lonely Saki Tenma she once was. Yet, she still feels like she's missing something. Something...

She was in her bedroom, the mirror had been moved there now. She sat in front of it and listened to Tsukasa rant about his boss or whatever. And then it clicked. The one she was missing was Tsukasa himself. Sure, she talked to him all the time but she needed him to be by her side. She wanted him to be with her, for his warmth to be felt. She wanted to hold him without the screen of the mirror making it impossible.

Saki lay awake in her bed. She couldn't sleep. She glanced at the mirror. She wanted nothing more but to hear Tsukasa say her name.

"Is it okay if we stayed like this?" she once thought to herself, sitting against the mirror as she listened to Tsukasa's stories.

She thought she was stupid. She lived in a palace, she had amazing friends, she had everything you could possibly want and yet she still clings to some random guy who appeared in her mirror.

But it felt nice. He was nice, kinda like the brother she never had. She secretly hoped they could stay like this forever.


But alas, all good things must come to an end. Saki stared at the mirror today. "Tsukasa? What's wrong?" she asked. "Saki I-" he was cut off when a crack appeared on the mirror. Saki's eyes widened.

"I need to go. I'm sorry." the magician apologized. "Why?" Saki asked. "Tsukasa please... don't go." she begged. "But if I stay, the spell will break and you'll lose everything."

But that was a lie, even if he left things will stay the same for Saki. He had to leave because he never should've met her in the first place.

Saki merely stood there. Tears rolled down her cheeks as she rubbed her eyes. "Hey! Don't cry!" the magician tried to comfort her. "Don't go." she whispered.

Legend tells of a mirror world. Where paths are never meant to cross.

Tsukasa stared at the girl. He knew one thing, he'll never forget her. Her tears, her smile, he'll always remember.

"Hey, Saki. Y'know how I granted your wishes? I want you to grant me mine." he says. Saki looks up. "Promise you won't forget me?" he smiles as his image shatters.

Saki stares at her reflection. She wipes her tears and nods. "I promise."

She would wait. Wait until the day he returned.


"Well that takes care of that." the boy mutters. "You really took the time and energy to return all that?" his friend mutters, helping him up. "Least I could do. Took it from her after all." the magician says, adjusting his hat.

'That's the Tsukasa I remember, returning what he borrows.' the inventor thinks, seeing his friend realize his selfishness and fixing it. "We better quickly find shelter. Who knows how long before the war breaks this place."





Legend tells of a mirror world. What happens here is different there. Legend also tells of a magician who crossed the laws of the universe to make a lone girl happy.

TSUKASA THE SKRUNKLE and the other characters igWhere stories live. Discover now