AU ig

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Post apocalyptic/sci-fi world, kokoro, rks, emnn, idk shit happens

Anyway summary:

After a certain event that leaves the world in ruins, people must fight to stay alive. A mysterious non-government organization called the V.S. plan to help with their ongoing "Project: SEKAI", wherein special individuals with strong feelings of justice are involved. The world was plunged into chaos when these individuals were merely children and they do not wish for future generations to be stripped of their childhoods.

A group of 3 individuals that strive to avenge their leader and help the hopeless world as much as they can.

-a scientist
-not much is known about him other than the fact that he works in the kamiyama agency and has a project he's been working on for the past few years
-the strategist of wondasho
-doesn't participate in raids (he hates fighting)
-thinks tsukasa's death wasn't a full accident
-"If I try hard enough... surely I can...!"

Station unit 12-Version 88:
-a robot Rui had been designing
-based on someone...?
-lacks emotion
-"*monotone voice* I'm world future star."

-granddaughter of the founder of The Pheonix, an organization that provides aid to families
-the supplier of wondasho
-very bubbly personality
-works as a clerk at miyajo department
-"One day everyone can shout out "Wonderhoy!" with happiness again!"

-a quiet girl with an iron tongue
-has a robot that Rui made for her
-fighter of wondasho
-she hacks into enemy bases during raids
-she and emu are the dream fighting team!
-works as a lab assistant at kamiyama department
-thinks something was oddly suspicious surrounding the deaths of the other leaders in V.S. units
-"I prefer fighting evil androids in video games and not in real life, thank you very much."

-Nene's robot
-medical unit
-that's about all it does
-"I'm a nice robot!"

-former leader of wonderlands×showtime
-died in an accident when he was trying to save a family from android attacks
-but maybe it wasn't an accident?
-the basis of station unit 12's likeness and personality ("or lack thereof. It's a work in progress okay!" -Rui)
-he haunts wondasho now lol
-"I didn't get paid enough for this shit."

TSUKASA THE SKRUNKLE and the other characters igWhere stories live. Discover now