"But Al! You already posted a halloween oneshot!" Idc

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Vampirekasa AU
Also had my own twist on the vampire thing)




Tsukasa was always energetic. He was loud and obnoxious, but that was just how he was.

So it was concerning that he started acting rather... sluggish. His breaths were more laboured than usual, he moved less fluidly, and he constantly needed to take breaks during practice. Not only that, he was quieter than usual. Something was definitely off. Their worries worsened when he randomly collapsed on stage.

Rui had caught him before his body made contact with the wooden floor. "Let's call it off for practice for now." Nene suggested. Rui nodded and helped Tsukasa head to the backstage.


He was hungry. So, so hungry. He still ate human food but it wasn't enough. The water he drank had the same consistency as blood. But it didn't have the same amount of nutrients he needed. Tsukasa mentally cursed the person that bit him.

"You okay?" Rui asked. "Yeah, just a little lightheaded." Tsukasa huffed.

His craving for blood grew each second. He managed to hold off for a long time but alas, his beastly instincts will kick in eventually.


"TSUKASA?!" Rui yelled. He doesn't remember how and when it happened, but the actor found himself pinning the director down, his mouth frothing and eyes empty. Tsukasa snapped out of it and got off. "S-sorry. Uh..."

"What the hell was that?" Rui rubbed his head. "I don't know."

"... What are you?" Rui asked. Tsukasa remained silent. "Something you'd despise if you knew." he muttered.

Rui took a good look at him. Only now did he realize that Tsukasa's skin was unnaturally pale, that he had concerningly sharp fangs and that he held no reflection at all.

Now where did he read about these characteristics before?

"I'm guessing you already found out?" Tsukasa said as though he had read Rui's mind. "Mmm... thought so. But why did you randomly feel sluggish?" Rui took this opportunity to get answers.

"Haven't been drinking blood. Been like this for... 3 something months. Honestly, you're the first person to find out." he explains, in an almost casual manner. "That doesn't sound healthy."

Well, damn genius! Of course it isn't healthy!

Rui contemplated for a bit before rolling up his sleeves. "Rui?". Drink up." he offers, handing his arm over. Tsukasa's eyes widened. "No I can't possibly..." he shook his head but oh man, was it tempting.

"Please, Tsukasa. I don't want to see you suffer." "But it'll hurt you."

"Tsukasa, please. For me?"

After a bit of hesitation, he dug his fangs into Rui's flesh and started drinking. He drank hungrily and greedily. Rui winced at this.

After a while, he got off, his hunger satisfied. "You didn't need to do that..." Tsukasa muttered, using a bit of magic to heal the bite mark. "Well, if you ever need more blood, just tell me."

Tsukasa buried his face into Rui's collar. "I don't deserve you." he mumbled.

Fun fact; this was made cause TSUKASA HAS FANGS

TSUKASA THE SKRUNKLE and the other characters igWhere stories live. Discover now