tsukasa hc except it's mostly just me projecting

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-had to mature faster than other kids his age cause of his parents always being out and saki constantly moving hospitals

-additionally, he uses sekai as a form of escapism

-has messy bedhead

-tsukasa "yes I do the cooking, yes I do the cleaning" tenma

-the only video games he's capable of playing are rythm games but it's only cause he knows how to play the piano

-eyebags from staying up late(he hides them with make-up)

-some scars from shows gone wrong

-crippling self worth issues(he claims not to have them)

-perfectionism to the max

-he's half Filipino(but then again I hc a lot of my faves as pinoy so...)

-has a surprisingly athletic build

-used to make matching dolls for him and saki

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