help my xiao died

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(BRO DIED JUST WHEN I WAS ABOUT TO KILL THE ENEMY FUCK. Cursed eremites and their tanky ass models and big ass health bars

Btw I'm making the tenmaparents my OCs now until sega stops being a pussy and gives them more screen time)


The woman wailed and cried as she shook her son's body. "No... please no. Not my baby please. C'mon, starlight, wake up please. Mommy's here. Please please please..." she begged. "Please, any diety out there, save my son." she prayed. She hoped that whatever holy being out there that proved most benevolant in would perform some sort of miracle.

But of course, no miracle came and her son just lay there cold and motionless in her arms.

Her husband and daughter try to pry her away from the body. "Mom please just stop, he's already dead." her daughter begged, burrying her face into her mother's clothing. "Hun, let go. He's gone." her husband wrapped his arms around her.

There's no way he was gone. They're joking right? It has to be. Not her son. Not her baby boy. Not her star. Anyone but their children.


Tsukasa was always praised for being reliable. His parents were stressed 24/7, having to go to the hospital to make sure Saki was okay, then back home to make sure he was still there, then go to work to make sure they had enough money to feed them (admittedly they had more than enough), then the cycle repeats.

Having an ill sister that had to constantly move hospitals meant that his parents were probably not gonna have much time for him. And that was okay. His sister needed them more.

He always tried to make them proud by being the responsible and reliable kid they needed. He saw the way their faces lit up whenever he did something to ease their stress like washing his own dishes, or finish his homework on his own, or eat all his veggies. Those little gestures that brought smiles to his parents' faces always made his 5 year old self feel accomplished.

Today, Tsukasa is now 17, his parents and sister were at Pheonix Wonderland to see his troupe perform. He wanted to make them smile. So he'll put on the best show in the world!

Tsukasa never flat out says what he feels to his parents. He's seen Saki cry a lot and their parents would always desperaty try to cheer her up, and he figured one kid being down in the dumps was enough. He had to be the sunshine that would make the family smile, he was the eldest after all.

His father always told him that cowards don't cry, but real men will show his vulnerabilities, which was the dad way of saying "just tell us if anything is wrong". But Tsukasa never did.

He vividly remembers only one time he told his issues to them, where he asked if his parents favored Saki over him. It was a stupid and ungrateful question he curses his 6 year old self for asking. He never wants to see the way his parents' smiles drop so quickly. He never wants to hear that "oh hunny, is that how you feel" again. He never wants to overhear their conversation and hear "we've failed as parents" ever again.

Maybe that's where he started bottling up his emotions?

He was determined to make this the best show he'll put on. For his family's sake. To make his parents proud. To make his sister happy. Yes, this was gonna be the performance of the century!

He remembers when his parents took him and Saki to a show once. He remembers how much Saki laughed and smiled that day. That was the day he vowed to become the best star the world would ever see and make her smile like that even more.

He remembers when he announced it to his parents. "I'm gonna be the best world star you'll ever see and make you proud!" little Tsukasa said. His parents laughed. His father ruffled his hair. "Anything you do always make us proud, my boy."

It started off as faulty wiring. Rui had told them all to observe caution when performing as his latest prop required the entire stage. Then is all escalated when the entire stage collapsed. Tsukasa had managed to get Rui away from the falling debris. But...

Tsukasa vowed to always make his family happy. And he swore this show was gonna make his parents smile. But then why?

Why was his mother crying? Wht was his father trying to console his sister?

"Why are you crying, mom?" he wants to ask. He wants to hold her hand and tell her that everything was alright but he couldn't. He just felt so... weak.

He was getting blood all over his mom's clothes. When did he have blood on himself anyway?

His ears rung. He sees Emu run off to who knows where, Rui staring in disbelief and Nene possibly calling an ambulance. Why was she calling an ambulance?

Fuck everything hurt.

This was a complete failure, he was a complete failure. He promised his parents he'll make them smile and be proud of him, but frankly, this did the opposite.

His mother sobbed and wept. The last time he's seen her this distraught was when Saki's illness was acting up. And that was years ago. He made her relive the trauma of possibly losing her child.

"I'm sorry mom. Please don't cry." he manages to mutter. His mother's eyes widen. Her son was still alive! "No, dear, don't apologize. Just... just focus on staying awake, okay?" she tried to smile, but it faltered.

He shifts from conciousness to unconciousness and vice versa, only getting glimpses of his friends trying to stop the audience from crowding the grieving family, to Toya rushing to their side before being stopped by who he assumed was Shiraishi, to his father trying to calm his mother and Saki down.


He wanted to apologize. For being such a failure that he couldn't even accomplish the one thing he promised them.

Future star that will make everyone smile my ass, he couldn't even make his own family smile.

So cold.

He was no longer aware of his mother's cries.

I'm sorry mom.

He could no longer hear his dad scream in utter agony as he goes limp in his mother's arms.

I'm sorry dad.

He couldn't make Saki smile anymore.

I'm sorry Saki.

He stripped Wonderlands×Showtime of a leader

I'm sorry guys.

He wasn't aware of his troupe trying to separate him from his mother, of the fact his body was put on a stretcher and rushed into an ambulance, of the fact that Emu had returned with her brothers and security to escort the audience away. Because Tsukasa Tenma was no more.

And the final mark he left on the world...

.... was one of despair.

 was one of despair

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(My apology)

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