tsukasa's letter(hanahaki AU pt2)

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(For context, read previous oneshot)

To Kamishiro Rui
(Do not open unless you want to)

I don't have much left and I need to get this out of my system(literally) so I'm gonna make this blunt, Rui. I love you. I love you more than words can ever describe. I love the way you laugh, smile, speak, everything.

But I know you don't love me back. I understand.

As of writing this, the war has been in our favor. If you find this, it means I'm dead. Not from fighting(hopefully) but from hanahaki. I'm sorry you had to find out this way.

I'm in no position whatsoever to ask you anything, but y'know me. I'm selfish. So I want you to just forget about me. Burn this letter if you want.

I already found someone to act as my successor(check attached note). So don't worry about that. Also do me a favor and let Saki down lightly?

I guess this is goodbye. Who knows, maybe we can meet again in another life? If those even exist.

(P.S. the ink here fucking sucks)


Rui read the letter. He gripped it as his tears stained the paper, leaving droplets on it. There was dried blood at the bottom of the paper and a rose petal was stuck in the back, indicating that Tsukasa had a fit when he wrote it.

He can't bring himself to burn the letter, or fulfill Tsukasa's final wish. How could he?

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