more ruikasa incorrect quotes

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itzxphi4 her fault she asked me politely

[Adult AU]

Nene: So I'm friends with these two guys[rui and tsukasa] who were playing a game called "gay chicken" back in highschool where they have to pretend to be gay and the first to back out is the loser

Nene: They've been at it for years now and currently have been married for 2 years and run a bakery with their adopted kids

Nene: If one of them doesn't chicken out now I'm actually gonna assume that they are gay

Emu: Story time!

Emu, walking up to Rui and Tsukasa: At this moment, the star shall propose to the director!

Rui, overjoyed: OH MY GOSH?!

Tsukasa: Uh- *digging his pockets for a ring*


Mizuki: Are you the big spoon or the little spoon?

Rui: I'm the knife

Tsukasa, from afar: HE'S THE LITTLE SPOON!


POV: tsukasa comforts rui

Tsukasa: Now I want you to try this with me, okay? Take my hands and you say something you love about yourself, and I'll say something I love about myself, alright?

Rui: I don't see how this is supposed to help

Tsukasa: Oh just trust me!

Tsukasa: Okay, how about this. I'll go first. I love... my eyes! And now you

Rui: I love... my smile, I suppose

Tsukasa: Very good! I love...

Tsukasa: My sense of style!

Rui: Does that count?

Tsukasa: Hm... I think it does. Now you!

Rui: hm... Alright. I love...

Rui: My taste in friends! Does that one count?

Tsukasa: Oh! Well... I suppose it does

*/they both laugh

Rui: It's a bit muggy outside

Tsukasa: Kamishiro Rui I swear if all of our mugs are all out in the front lawn again-

Rui: *drinking coffee from a bowl*


(Ik saki would never but for the meme)

Saki: You are not good enough for my brother, and I don't want you around him. End. Of. Story.

Rui: ...So why don't you give me one more-




Rui: TANGA(idiot)! BIRD UMIILAW(birds glow)?!

Tsukasa: EDI UMIILAW NA BIRD!(then it's a glowing bird)


Tsukasa: I heard you liked bad boys

Rui: ...yeah?

Tsukasa: Well great! Cause I'm bad at everything! *winks with both eyes/blinks*


Tsukasa: We all have our demons

Tsukasa, grabbing Rui: This one's mine!


Tsukasa: Man it sure is dark in here


Tsukasa: I'm not scared or anything


Tsukasa: I mean who is scared of the dark these days? Not me, no sir

Rui: Do you want me to hold your hand?

Tsukasa: Yes please


Tsukasa: -so I said if I don't become a star by age 34 I'm just gonna be a serial killer instead. Thanks for listening *walks away*




Nene: What are you doing you oaf?

Rui, staring at Tsukasa playing the piano: He's pretty...

Rui, staring at Tsukasa playing the piano: He's pretty

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Nene: And you're ugly

Nene: Now let's get to work


Look at this goofy ass caption

Look at this goofy ass caption

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TSUKASA THE SKRUNKLE and the other characters igWhere stories live. Discover now