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'let m-me prepare it first' han stood up from the bed and walked towards their desk and opened one of the drawers , looking for their hello kitty pouch that had all the right things for a really good night that was waiting ahead of them .

they took the pouch and sat back down on the bed 'this is where i-i keep all of the good stuff' they simply said after unzipping it fully .

'damn you really do have a lot of shit' minho seemed to be quite interested since he had never encountered this side of his roommate except for that one time when they walked out to the kitchen high .

't-this is not even half of w-what i had . i threw a lot of t-things away when i tried to quit , like my grinder , now i have t-to use my hands instead . but the thing that i regret g-getting rid off the most is.. m-my...' han stopped themselves feeling unsure about continuing speaking about such private things .

'it's okay , you can tell me'

'i-i regret throwing away my bong , it was all pink and p-pretty'

'no , you don't need any of that' minho said as he watched han start to prepare the joint .

they took the rolling paper out of their hello kitty pouch and after separating the substance by their fingers into smaller pieces , delicately lined it up in a straight line . minho just curiously observed every single the younger's action as they started rolling the paper between their slender fingertips creating a perfect cone shape . han brought it up to their lips and started gliding their tongue along the edge , gluing it shut .

'okay that was so attractive' minho spat out totally amused and fascinated by the sight in front of him .

it was indeed marvellous.

's-shut up and find the lighter' han blushed deeply and just handed minho the pouch giving him better and more useful things to do instead of making them smile like a complete idiot.

he carefully looked through the stuff but his gaze got stuck on one particular item in there . he scoffed and after taking it out , trapped the silver condom packet between his teeth and smirked widely .

'got quite a few for someone who gets no action' the tease in his voice was just so ugh .

'ya ! p-put it back !' han's face washed with embarrassment as they immediately snatched their pouch from the older as well as the little packet from between minho's teeth ripping it open on accident .

'aww let's not waste it , yeah ?'

'minho !'

'i'm just messing around , chill out hanji' he chuckled and threw the ripped condom on the bed .

'o-okay you know how to take a hit right ? y-you said you u-used to smoke cigarettes so it's basically the same , just the smoke i-is a bit heavier so you'll probably cough for a few first hits' han explained and minho just nodded understanding . they put finishing touches on the beautifully rolled joint and trapped it between their soft lips , applying the light to the tip . han deeply inhaled as white smoke came right out of their mouth . it was like a reward . han didn't want to admit it themselves , but they had fallen into the addiction really deeply - it was quite serious.

minho just watched the younger enjoy themselves as they took another drag from the joint and immediately disconnected their lips from the tip , blowing the smoke straight into minho's face , following with an innocent smile right after .

'your turn , h-hyung' han handed him the joint .


'g-go easy~ you're probably more of a lightweight than you t-think you are'

minho nodded and put the joint to his lips and hesitantly inhaled , physically feeling the smoke traveling down and tickling at his lungs . it all followed with him coughing a couple of times since it was all so new to him .

there was something extremely intimate and sensual in a way to be sharing one joint , as well as han willingly showing this side of them to the older .

'there's this one thing i-i always wanted to try'

'm ?'

's-shotgun kissing' han timidity said feeling extremely flustered at the confession .

'what is that ?'

'i-i can show you , but give m-me your consent to kiss you first'

minho found the other so cute , always making sure to have consent or just not wanting to do anything uncomfortable or even something that could get things awkward between them.

'consent given' minho grinned widely .

han placed the joint to their lips and took a deep and long drag , even closing their eyes for a second and without blowing the smoke out - they grabbed minho by his neck and pulled him forward , instantly connecting their lips as han pushed the smoke deep inside minho's mouth .

and after this bold act of han - they shyly pulled away , letting min blow the smoke out .

'that was hot' minho's cheeks dusted light pink.

'i always wanted t-to try it out with someone'

'and why didn't you ? you said you hanged around with boys when getting high'

'yea , b-but i don't know ... i-i just didn't feel that attraction towards any of them'

'm , would you do it again ?'

'what ?'


'o-oh uhm i-i-'

minho cut them off by attaching his lips on theirs , gracefully handing over the white smoke mouth to mouth . han's eyes fluttered shut as they enjoyed a really private and unforgettable experience . it was so much more fun than getting high all alone by themselves in their sad looking dark room .

'w-wow' han breathed out after their lips separated.

'your lips on mine while everything in this room is spinning - this feeling is truly making me dizzy in the best way possible' minho was starting to have a hard time keeping his thoughts inside his brain , he felt the urgent need to share everything with the younger what was on his mind .

'it's h-hitting you' han giggled at the other . they weren't as effected by the drugs yet even tho they took more hits , but they have also been smoking for like 3 years so it's normal that han had built somewhat of a tolerance . so wanting to equal everything out , han took a couple more long drags , trying to get to the same level as min .

cause having two people , with intense sexual tension between them , high as kites is always so interesting .

a/n : my nose piercing fell out in my sleep and when i woke up it was starting to close up but i just shoved that bitch back in. not risking on loosing a part of my personality.

his throat was raw | minsungWhere stories live. Discover now