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'can i come in ?' minho softly asked as he knocked on han's bedroom door. it was around 10pm and it should have been just enough time for the younger to cool down.

'yes' a faint voice appeared.

'hi' minho walked inside.

'hi' han sadly smiled at the other. they had spent this whole time just laying in their bed - doing absolutely nothing but thinking. they've been stuck in their head a lot recently. 'min, i-i'm sorry for-'

'don't apologise' minho sternly said cutting off the younger mid sentence.


'look, i get it. we decided to get intimate and you got triggered because of the whole situation with jay. do not apologise, because it's not your fault. it was too soon and i should have recognised it'

'i-i thought i was ready...'

'but you weren't and that's okay. we'll take things slow this time and we can always try again whenever you feel like you are 100% ready'

'but i-i really want to be intimate with you, b-but i just can't. i felt him. o-one second it was you and the other it w-was him... it was jay that was undressing m-me' the younger explained while holding back tears. 'i'm sorry f-for getting emotional again' they sighed.

'you don't have to be sorry for feeling emotions' minho reassured 'hug it out ?'

'yeah' han immediately fed into the older's warm and comforting embrace, feeling themselves calm down the loud inside.

'are you ready to go back to school ?' minho whispered while tracing different shapes onto the other's back with his index finger, trying to take their mind off of the topic about jay.

'not at all. i-i liked you as my teacher better than my professors' han lowly chuckled.

'aw too bad i can't take up the role for too long'

'a-are we taking the bus tomorrow morning ?'

'no, i'll drive us. how many classes do you have ?' minho asked.

'only 4'

'great, me too'

'see you after school, meet me here okay ?' minho said stopping right at the entrance of the school.


'have a great day' he leaned in and placed a quick peck on han's lips, immediately making them look around to make sure that no one saw it, because being outed to the whole college campus didn't sound really pleasant right now. 'bye'

's-see you later' han hurriedly said and walked into the school, leaving the older behind, trying to hide the fact that even the smallest bit of PDA made them flustered as hell.

minho just smiled to himself and went to his first class.

the day went by as being extremely boring and uneventful, making classes feel like literal hours of pure and never ending torture.

during chemistry minho had to do a lab experience in pairs where they looked at different cells like elodea's leaf or a sample of their own saliva and after examining it, write down their structures. he was paired up with this girl who kept on hitting on him with this painfully cringy and forced seductive voice. but when she tried to ask for his phone number, minho immediately made sure to let her know that he was already talking to someone. which of course made the whole situation super awkward afterwards so they just kinda ignored each other for the remaining class, doing the lab on their own.

han had a lot of catching up to do, but it wasn't as bad as they expected it to be. in art class the theme of an upcoming painting was 'greece mythology' so han decided to paint the pandora's box and it was coming out pretty good so far. they liked that class, it was quiet and relaxing. just exactly what they needed.

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