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'you're nervous, i can feel it'

'i-i'm not pretty ... this' han placed their hands on minho's that were still on their waist and slowly guided it over their slightly raised scars, minho's thumb ghosting over them 'this is n-not pretty'

'it is pretty. it tells me just how much you've gone through' minho completely removed han's shirt, leaving it up for only the white bandaids to cover whatever needed to be covered and softly pushed them backwards, moving both of them back, changing their position. minho let han's back hit the couch while he hovered over them.

'shit, how many more piercings do you have hidden under those clothes ?' minho lowly chuckled, the nipple piercing taking him by surprise. in all honesty han themselves had forgotten it was even there.

'n-no more' han blushed.

'looks hot' minho moved down and started kissing their stomach, placing soft kisses on each and every scar, making han's breath hitch. 'so pretty' he mumbled continuously kissing all over.

han tightly shut their eyes, feeling scared to be this vulnerable in front of anyone. they placed one of their hands on their left hip where the scars were the most bright and noticeable, trying to cover it best to their abilities.

'don't hide' minho slid his hand over han's on their hip and intertwined their fingers instead. the older started planting more wet and messy kisses on the other's stomach, occasionally sucking on the skin and leaving darker circular marks, making han squirm.

the younger felt high under min's touch.

minho began trailing his way up han's body, moving to their nipples. he started off by giving it soft kitten licks and continued on by gliding and twirling his tongue around the rosy bud. han's body shot with incredibly pleasant sensation, burying their hand in min's hair, messing it up completely.

'f-feels so good~' han breathed out as minho bit and nibbled on their left nipple while working on the right one with his soft fingertips, flicking it softly, playing with the jewellery in it.

'should we take it to the bedroom ?' the couch wasn't doing them enough justice.

'mine' han softly smiled and immediately was picked up bridal style as minho carried them from the couch in the living room and to the comfy bed in the middle of han's bedroom. he carefully laid them down and retracted to their position, hovering over them. and licked han's nipple again.

'still want to do it ?' minho pulled away for a second and gently asked.

'i do'

'just tell me if you want to stop' he pulled himself up to han's face 'let me know if you're uncomfortable, hurting or need a break' minho placed a peck on the younger's lips 'alright ?'

'o-okay daddy' han jokingly responded.

'oh you're so gonna get it' minho chuckled and attacked their lips, gliding his tongue over them and was starting to push past it asking for permission. han immediately accepted it, slightly opening their mouth as min began exploring all over.

han could feel themselves completely feeding into minho's dominance, occasionally moaning and whining into the kiss. he nibbled on their lip ring, softly bitting their lips as he played and licked all over han's tongue in their mouth. they messily kissed as minho's hands went down han's body and started undoing their pants.

and at that point han became anxious. their brain had blocked out everything that minho was doing and how goddamn good it felt and left only one thing lingering - jay forcing himself onto them and undoing their pants.


han couldn't breath. their chest tightened, it felt like sand.

minho's soft fingers that were once roaming on their body was no longer - it was jay's rough ones going along their exposed scars as he called them pathetic and unworthy. minho's muscular and hot body that was once hovering over them was no longer - it was jay.

han completely froze as min kept working on their mouth. they were so scared. tears started spilling down their red tinted cheeks, they were shaking.

it was like their whole entire world just came crashing down just at the simple memory.

the flashbacks of that night kept replaying in their head over and over again, making them grow even more nervous.

minho was starting to carefully pull down han's pants when han all of the sudden started softly pushing at the older's chest. minho furrowed his eyebrows and immediately pulled away, disconnecting their lips.

he looked at their face, written in discomfort.

'hey what's wrong ?' minho asked, voice full of concern. he noticed the tears flowing down their cheeks, he noticed their little body shaking ever so slightly under him, he noticed their tensed up state, he noticed that han was just so out of it.

'p-please ... g-get off...' their voice was shaking, it was filled with genuine fear.

as soon as minho heard those three particular words leave their mouth - he instantly shot up, removing himself from the younger. 'are you okay ?' he sat on the bed next to them, but it only seemed to scare the other away even more as they curled into themselves, covering their ears and hanging their head low.

'please l-leave...' they whispered not looking at the older 'i-i don't feel g-good, please .... l-leave'

'what's happening ? did i trigger something ?' minho asked and threw a blanket over han's skinny shoulders since they didn't have a shirt on and probably felt extremely uncomfortable right in that moment.

'i-i feel sick, i-i don't want to do i-it anymore, please leave' han cried out.

'uncover your ears, communicate with me, did i do something i wasn't supposed to ?'

han removed their hands from their ears and tightly gripped at the blanket, desperately trying to cover up.

'i-it's not you...' they whispered.

'it's that motherfucker isn't it ?'

han just nodded.

'that son of a fucking bitch' he murmured totally pissed. 'i'll fucking kill him'

'n-no ! don't ! h-he'll come back. no no n-no ! don't do anything. please !'

'okay okay, i won't. don't be scared. do you still need me to leave ?' min carefully asked.

'i-i'm sorry' han broke down in tears, loosing themselves completely.

'it's okay to feel this way, do you hear me ? thank you for stopping me when it got too much. i'll leave you alone and if you'll need anything just tell me. you're so strong and beautiful hannie, you know it right ?'

only soft whimpers were leaving han as minho stood up and walked out of their room - giving them space to calm down.

a/n : my dad always used to take me to watch basketball games when i was younger, just the two of us. and then our relationship kinda fell out, we began fighting so much and then after like 3 years he asked me if i wanted to go with him today. god my daddy issues are screaming. fuck !

his throat was raw | minsungWhere stories live. Discover now