19: Forgiveness

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Kanao was about to leave but Kie stopped her.

"Kanao dear, why don't you stay, it's pretty late outside"

Kanao smiled. "Thank you for the offer but they need me at the hospital so I can't stay"

Kie nodded with a smile. "I understand, but please visit again soon, and bring Aika too if you can"

"Hm I'd love to, goodnight"


"Ooh wait Kanao-chan!", Nezuko called out to her,"before you go I'd like to um invite you and Aika to mine and Zenitsu's engagement party this Saturday"

"Oh thank you Nezuko, we'll surely be there", Kanao was about to turn around but she remembered something,"oh but um next week Saturday is also Aika's birthday, her school is closing this Friday"

"That's even better, we'll celebrate my engagement and my niece's birthday too"

"Hm okay, we'll be there, goodnight"


Kanao had just arrived home from a tiring night shift. It was nine in the morning and she knew that Aika had already gone to school and Aoi was at work.

She sighed and went to the bathroom to take a relaxing shower and get changed. After changing a white oversized sweater and sweatpants she went to the kitchen to make herself a snack because she hasn't eaten since yesterday.

While eating she started thinking of everything that happened yesterday. She had a fight with her daughter, visited her ex's family, showed them Aika's baby videos and had a tiring ass nightshift. Yep she had one heck of an evening.

"I really need to make it up to Aika", she said taking another bite of her ramen.

"But..... should I also forgive Tanjiro?", She asked herself.

She kept on thinking about the pros and cons of forgiving Tanjiro. She then groaned and threw her head back.

"Ugh this is so confusing......my head hurts. Tanjiro's so confusing. I mean I still love him I admit that but.......ugh I don't know. Why am I even talking to myself as if I don't have any friends?"

After a few seconds she realized she didn't have a lot of friends. She groaned again out of boredom.

I mean, you can't blame the woman. She may be a mother and head doctor of a famous hospital but she's still only twenty-three.

"Well I guess I'll just watch TV till it's time to pick Aika up"


Kanao was waiting outside of Aika's school. Mitsuri was also waiting for her son and she and Kanao were having a nice conversation whilst waiting for their kids.

Soon Aika and Haruki exited the school and they were laughing together. Kanao smiled at the sight seeing her daughter smile again.

But Aika's smile faded as soon as she made eye contact with her mother. Haruki looked at Aika and then back at Kanao. Aika already told him everything so he can see the tension.

The two best friends walk up to their mothers and Mitsuri hugs Haruki and Aika and says goodbye to Kanao and Aika.

After Mitsuri and Haruki leave Aika gets into the car completely ignoring Kanao making her sigh. Kanao also gets in the car and drives off.

"Aika.....?", Kanao calls out to her daughter.

Aika tries hard to ignore it but she gives in.

"Yes.....?", She answers.

"Honey I'm really sorry, I know it was wrong of me to keep this from you. You've been practically searching all your life for you father and he was right under your nose and I knew it but didn't say anything.", Kanao explains. Aika looks up at her. Kanao is still focused on the road but she's also focused on finally telling Aika the truth.

"Yes, Tanjiro is your father. You're too young to know all the details but all I can say is that we were young, dumb and in love. And you are proof of that. I've been through a lot. I raised you all alone with help from my friends and family. Aika I didn't tell you because.....I was just scared to lose you..... I'm really sorry honey"

As soon as Kanao had finished she had already parked in the garage of the building. She could feel her tears stream down her cheeks.

Kanao then felt tiny arms wrap around her neck bringing her in a warm hug.

"I'm sorry too mommy. And....I forgive you too.", Aika said as she was crying too.

Kanao smiled."Thank you..... Also Tanjiro's sister Nezuko invited us to her engagement party this weekend, we're also gonna celebrate your birthday there too!"

Aika gasped and the squealed."I can't wait mommy. I'm sure it's gonna be so much fun!"

"Yeah it is, now how about we get inside and have some ice cream and watch some movies?"

"Ooh can we watch Encanto and Coco!?"

(A/N: Those movies were great and you can't change my mind)

"Hehe yes, now come on"

The two got out of the car and went up to their home to watch the movies.


Ah don't we all just love triple updates y'all? Anyways hope you all enjoyed this really short chapter. This book is slowly coming to an end.

See you in the next chapter!

Author-chan out 😎!

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