6. Run

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"Alright, we're here."

Rider waited for any sign of Goggles' leave. When the blue Inkling did not say anything or get off the motorcycle, Rider nudged him a little with his elbow.


It was an understatement to say that Rider was a little worried when there was no response. He took his helmet off and turned around to find that Goggles had fallen asleep during their ride.

"Bruh," Rider said in exasperation. "How does this fool actually fall asleep while riding on the back of a motorcycle? Goggles!"

He was slow to fully awaken from his slumber, his blue eyes lazily drooping as they looked up at Rider. Goggles smiled as he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes.

"Hey," he spoke, a yawn following after. "Are we at my building already? I swear I only closed my eyes for a couple minutes."

"To be fair, you don't live too far from the towers," Rider acknowledged as he looked over at the Moray Towers from where they stood at the apartment complex's parking lot.

Goggles dismounted the bike unsteadily and grabbed ahold of one of Rider's shoulders to catch his balance. They smiled simultaneously at each other, staying like that for a long moment in silence. Goggles was captured by Rider's sharp green eyes, which were focused on the blue Inkling's lips.

"Thanks for the ride," Goggles finally spoke. "And for hanging out with me tonight. I had a fun time."

Rider scoffed and said, "You were sleeping most of the time."

"Well, yeah, but that's because I feel safe sleeping around you. I trust you aren't fixing to mug me or dump me in a lake or something," Goggles explained with a goofy smile.

"I'm not an easy person to trust, Goggles," Rider said, his tone suddenly very serious. They met eyes again and this made Rider need to catch his breath.

"I'm willing to take the risk," and with that, Goggles pressed his lips against Rider's cheek and grinned. "I'll see you soon. Get home safe."

Rider blushed furiously, pulling the helmet over his head to hide his flustered countenance. "Later," he said before revving his motorcycle and driving away.

Goggles smiled to himself as he watched the motorcycle and the Inkling on it disappear into the night. He clutched his hands over his rapidly beating hearts, trying to regain control over his breathing as he made his way over to the emergency exit stairs of the building. The lock and alarm for it stopped working years ago, allowing Goggles to use that route each time he snuck out.

As Goggles approached the door to his apartment, he reached in his shorts pocket for his keys. With much care and precision, he unlocked the door without making a noise. His effort of sneaking back in was all in vain, for the first thing he heard as he shut the door behind him was Specs shouting at him.

"Where the hell have you been, Goggles? I've been calling around everywhere for you! I've called different gangs, different establishments! What were you doing out there!?"

"I just wanted to go out for a bit," Goggles mumbled, trying to make a beeline for his room but Specs only stood in his way.

"Why didn't you answer any of my calls, huh!?" Specs screamed in his face, backing him up against a wall.

"My phone died, Specs. I'm sorry," Goggles said, his voice getting smaller and smaller the more he had to speak.

At this point, Headphones and Bobble had raced to the living room to see what the commotion was all about. Goggles looked to them desperately for help.

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