8. Bobble Feels Funny

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It had been about a week since Goggles ran away from home. The rest of the Idiots put all of their business transactions on hold until he was found. They were at a point of giving up after looking seemingly everywhere for him with no results.

When Headphones had asked the S4 gangsters as to where Goggles was, they all put on a very convincing display that they had nothing to do with his disappearance and that they had no idea where the Inkling could have gone.

"Good luck finding him, though. I can't tell if it would be extremely difficult or extremely easy to find an Idiot," Aloha had remarked, which made Headphones pretty annoyed but she did not protest—her and her team had been the Idiots for years now and it wasn't anything new.

Bobble had left hundreds of messages and calls with no answer. It was difficult living with the Idiots without Goggles. She no longer had someone to suffer with whenever Headphones and Specs screamed at each other, which was becoming more and more frequent since Goggles' disappearance.

At this point in time, the two were bickering about whether or not they should continue looking or go back to working. It was important to actively bring in money to pay the bills but it was also just as important to have Goggles back home safe and sound. For all the Idiots knew, he could have been dead.

"Specs, I don't think you're really grasping what kind of situation we're in," Headphones spoke to Specs' bedroom door. He had locked himself in there for a few minutes now, the smell of vinegar and chemicals leaking out from the door crack.

"No, Headphones, I don't think you are really grasping the situation here," he replied through the door before finally swinging it open, a cloud of smoke wafting into Headphones' face that made her grimace.

"No, I am telling you right now, we cannot afford to keep going on like this. We are drowning in debt, we have to get back to work--with or without Goggles," she said, looking down at her notepad that she wrote her financial calculations on.

Specs shook his head. "No way, we need Goggles to launder the money we bring in. We can't stop looking for him until we find him or find out he's dead."

"Well, if it's that much of a concern to you, why don't you launder the money yourself? It is your fault he ran away anyways," Headphones accused.

Bobble sat on the couch, her eyes boring into the television as she listened to Headphones and Specs argue back and forth. She placed her chin on her knees as she focused on the pixels on the screen, hearing but not really listening to their tiresome arguments.

"Don't put that shit on me! It isn't my fault, Headphones! I was stressed, I still am fucking stressed, it is not my fault he keeps running off to do Cod knows what!"

"It is your fault, you had no right to go beating him around like that! He may cause a few problems by running away like he does, but you are always the reason he runs away!"

"What do you expect me to do, huh!? Why do I have to tolerate his bullshit all the coddamned time, huh? We have work to do, and we can't get that shit done when he's constantly leaving unexpectedly!"

At this point, Bobble was pretty fed up with their meaningless argument. She stood up and screamed, "Maybe he wouldn't leave if you two weren't at each other's throats 24/7! You two never shut the hell up, just shut up already!"

Headphones and Specs both looked at Bobble in shock, their heated discussion halting in its tracks.


"What part of 'shut up' don't you understand!?"

Headphones and Specs watched her in awe. The feeling of their eyes on her made her feel disgusting. She fled the scene, storming out of the room to the comfort of her and Goggles' shared bedroom. She slammed the door shut, a tense silence following afterward.

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