3. The Idiot Gang

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Before Deca Tower closed, the Blue Team spent their days proving to their peers that they were not just some "Idiot Team" that everyone wrote them off as. Sure, their technique was very unconventional; from pulling the opposing team leader's pants down mid-battle to accidentally shaving somebody's tentalocks off with a loose shaver to eating curry, also mid-battle, the Blue Team was infamous around Inkopolis for always knowing how to have fun no matter who they were up against.

Several years later, the team was still together, though you could hardly call them a team now. They did not turn into a gang, but they did start thriving on criminal activity. Although they weren't a gang, everyone referred to them as the Idiot Gang. The four certainly did rely on each other. They had split their living costs equally among themselves and everyone did their part. The once bubbly and fun group of Inklings now did whatever they could to survive in the yakuza infested city.

Bobble stood atop one of the buildings in the Plaza, using her sticker decorated binoculars to look for today's target. While Specs and Headphones dealt with the drug and weapon deals to pay the bills, Bobble was a well-known assassin. She was not necessarily the ideal person to hire for such things but she got the job done just like everyone else did.

Right when her eyes landed on her target, her phone began vibrating from her back pocket. She kept the binoculars on the target as she answered her phone.

"Hello?" she spoke into her phone.

"Bobble, did you take Goggles with you on that mission?" Specs' voice came through the phone.

Bobble let out a chortle, dropping the binoculars from her face as she looked around her. "No, silly! Why would I take him on a mission? It doesn't look like he followed me either. Is he missing?"

Specs let out an angry groan. "Yeah, but don't worry about it. I'll find him. You focus on that job and don't even think about coming home until it's finished." And on that note, he hung up.

The blue Inkling girl shrugged, pocketing her cellphone and using her binoculars to get eyes on her target again.

"Interesting seeing you here, Bobble."

She turned around to see who was talking to her and was surprised to see N-Pacer, the assassin of the Monarchy, with her Splatterscope in hand.

"Well, hey there, Pacer! Funny seeing you here," Bobble said with a giggle and a polite smile.

"What brings one of the Idiots to the Plaza on this fine day?" N-Pacer asked with a raise of her eyebrow, glancing at the Slosher and binoculars in Bobble's hands.

"Oh, y'know, just doing some business," Bobble replied with a small shrug. She held the binoculars up to her eyes again to find her target as she asked, "And what might you be doing here? Shouldn't you be in some fancy apartment drinking some foreign tea or something?"

N-Pacer fixed her posture before moving to stand next to Bobble and looking into the scope on her charger. "A mission to take out some bastard who's attempting to steal Sheldon's business," she replied as she steadily moved the scope to find her target.

Bobble drew her binoculars away from her face as she looked at N-Pacer. "Well, isn't that a funny little coincidence. I think we might have been double booked, Pacer."

The Monarch seemed to hesitate as she looked away from the scope. "Please tell me you're kidding," N-Pacer said, a look of annoyance on her face.

"Afraid not. But, that's fine! That just makes this all the more fun! Let's turn this into a game!" Bobble suggested with a bright smile.

"What?" N-Pacer looked at her incredulously. "A game? Why would I play a game when there's a job that needs to be done?"

Bobble simply shrugged, the same wide grin on her face as she replied, "Because it'll make the job way more fun! And it'll help us catch our target. Whaddaya say?"

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