The Residential Incident

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So as you know when you are in primary school you go on a residential trip. Now when I was around 11 we went to this adventure place, it was for 3 days and 2 nights. I have went to this place twice once in Guides and once at school. Both times were very horrific.

So there are two things about me, one I am terrified of heights and adventurous things in general. Number two is that I get very homesick and get very anxious when it comes to new places.

So we go to this place and you have to share a dorm with 3 other people, it was our first night, and guess who was the one who was balling because they wanted to go home. Me. Now i feel so sorry for my friends that had to put up with me that night, because I would punch myself in the face if it was me. Anyway I finally fell asleep (all the crying probably wore me out) and the next morning I woke up with my finger throbbing and it was really sore. A few hours later it had become this nasty infected blister (it was disgusting) so I was in pain but I ignored it and looked forward to the day ahead. So then the first activity, climb a giant ladder. Well fuck. I was so scared, of course I got around 4 foot off the ground before my knees started trembling so much I could not go on. I cried. *gives you a moment to laugh and judge*. That day was full of heights and crying and wanting to go home. I hate heights. By the second night I was so tired that I couldn't help but go to sleep. The next day came the worst... The crate stack. Now this is where you stand on a podium and you stand on a crate and the instructor person hands you crates that you have to stand on. The person who created this game was evil. So I paired up with my year 6 teacher, as I did with every other activity. So we got about 6-7 foot off the ground and I wanted to get down, so I shout 'okay can I come down now please' and so the instructor was just like 'yes, just look at them trees over there' (I think this is the equivalent to "Lizzie look at the flowers" walking dead reference). So I looked over at these trees, but at the corner of my eye I saw the instructor with a giant stick, she yanked the stick into the crates and hooked it back. It had pulled the crate and they all fell, I screamed. I gave a whole new meaning to free falling. And you know what I did... I grabbed onto my teacher and hugged her while suspended in the air. I didn't realise at the time that I was hugging my year 6 teacher for 5 minutes and that the whole of my group were staring at me. 5 minutes later I realised and I pushed off, I was mortified that I had hugged my teacher. The instructor let us down and I was left in shock. The rest of the trip was terrifying and I was glad to be home, the infection went away by itself but I lost my nail.

Now I spoke of a second time I went to this place. This was a short time after, so as you can probably tell I was put off a little from my first visit. Somehow my mom persuaded me to go anyway. This time it wasn't a dorm, it was tents. DUN DUN DUN.... So I hate sleeping on the floor anyway and I was in a muddy field. Oh great. So when we got there, it was pouring down with rain. It was literally like a storm. Have you tried putting up a tent in the pouring rain, by the time I'd got the friggin thing up I had a cough. So we went to bed and I got a terrible night sleep because I was coughing so much and I hate sleeping on the floor. So the next morning we had breakfast and had a nice day of activities. Okay who am I kidding it was exercise, the day I enjoy exercise will be the day I become president of the United States of America it's never gonna happen. But the worst thing of all was the hair part. We were sleeping in tents that had multiple zips. I somehow managed to get my hair really badly caught in the zip. Now at this time it was very windy, so my hair was already a bush so it was very easy for it to get caught you see. So I was literally stuck, I could not move an inch without being in pain. So I sat there crying helplessly, until one of the leaders came running over, all the other guides came. And they were staring at me like 'who the hell gets the hair caught so badly in a zip like that'. I was mortified and in shock and wanted to go home. They got me out (eventually) and I had this tremendous knot in my hair. Of course I wanted to go home. I cried for another 3 hours straight, until they called my parents to pick me up. My dad came on the night and picked me up, I had a lovely sleep in my own bed and went back the next day to take part in the kayaking activity.

Moral of the story:don't bite your nails you could get an infection (although I still do bite my nails). Try to get over your fears so you don't look like a massive wimp in front of anyone. Don't trust instructors with big sticks in their hands while being suspended 7 foot in the air. Even if you are scared avoid hugging teachers, you look a bit weird.

Moral of the story for going in a tent: always put a thick jacket on, if you would like to avoid having an annoying cough. Always look where you are going and avoid zips when your hair is already a bush of knots.

Thank you
Benson :3
Also I'm going to Germany for 5 days in like 2 months so please pray for me and my luck!

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