Sexy eyes

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I open my eyes slowly,I felt my kitten face in crook of my neck , I gently remove her body from mine , I pick my phone up to check the time ,it was 6:00am , I tiptoe out of the bed I walk into my closet and I change into my gym wear ,I check my injury to see it healing very fast , I walk out of the room to the gym , I opened the door to see mark in the gym room ,laying down on the floor with sweat dripping from his body . His eyes looks lifeless, and I just noticed he lose weight too.

эй братан ты в порядке почему ты так рано слышишь(hey bro ,are you okay , why are you here so early)

я в порядке, просто я не могу спать в последнее время, у меня много мыслей(I'm good , is just that I can't sleep lately I have a lot on my mind )

I stare at him for a while , I know he missed my good for nothing father , after that old man loves mark like he was his own .

Я знаю, что у тебя на уме, ты скучаешь по этому бесполезному человеку, верно?(I know what's on your mind mark,you missed that useless old man right? He kept quiet a for while I left his side because I'm beginning to get angry , I know he's my father ,but that man was very wicked to me , he wanted mark as his own child ,he showed mark so much love , growing up I do get jealous of mark ,because he had so many people around him that loves him wholeheartedly.
I started excercising  , I thought about my kitten ,she's the only thing that makes sense in my life right , I remembered how she was screaming on top her voice last night .
(AN: photo of Justine below )

I wipe the sweat on my face , I think I have had enough for today , I need to shower and get ready , I still haven't find the person behind the emails and the person that disrupts my date with kitten and also the person that kill my dad

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I wipe the sweat on my face , I think I have had enough for today , I need to shower and get ready , I still haven't find the person behind the emails and the person that disrupts my date with kitten and also the person that kill my dad .I just want to get revenge that all I want.
I was about to open the door until mark voice stopped me ,

Жюстин, я знаю, что ты не ненавидишь своего отца, как бы ты ни притворялась, что не заботишься о нем, я знаю, что ты использовала Амелию, чтобы забыть его.(Justine I know you don't hate your father, no matter how you pretend not to care about him, I know you have been using Amelia to get over him)

Gosh why can't this idiot leave me alone , Мне нужно, чтобы ты понял кое-что, мне все равно, и я не использую Амелию, ты же знаешь, как сильно я ее люблю(i need you to understand something I don't care and I'm not using Amelia, you know how much I love her , I said breathing hard , I'm trying so hard not punch this fool on his face .

Жюстин, что с тобой не так, перестань вести себя так, я знаю, как сильно ты жаждешь любви отца, я знаю, как сильно ты всегда хочешь его внимания, ты можешь вбить это в свою голову и дать план, как отомстить за его смерть, перестань  вести себя как трус(Justine what's wrong with you ,stop acting like this,I know how much you crave for your father's affection,I know how much you've always wanted his attention ,can you get this in your head and let plan on how to avenge his death,stop acting like a coward)

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