3- Studying

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Sally Face had been going for a few months now. They had quite a few songs out, and were also bringing in a steady income from their music videos on YouTube, yes, everything was good.

However, music production had to go on hold for a bit, as midterms were coming up and they all had to study.

Sal and Larry were currently in their room, Sal sitting at his desk and Larry laying on the bed. Larry groaned out of boredom, putting his study guide down and looking over at Sal.

"Blue, I'm bored," Larry said, beginning to crumple up a stray piece of paper into a ball.

Sal, who didn't move from his original position, sighed. "Lar, you've been working for five minutes." Larry groaned once more, throwing the paper ball at Sal, which hit the blue haired boy in the back of his head. "Lar, I swear to god if I have to look up from this paper to yell at you, I will smother you with a pillow."

Larry chuckled at his boyfriends empty threat, "no you won't."

"Don't test me," Sal started, sighing before turning around in his chair to look at Larry. "Tell you what, if you're so bored how about you and Neil go pick up some food? I'm sure Todd's pretty hungry after working for five hours straight."

"Genius idea, Blue!" Larry said, quickly getting up to put his shoes on.

"But once you're done with your snack run, you're gonna study. You can just sit back an wait to fail like you did in high school."

"Fineeee," Larry said, walking over and kissing Sal's forehead. "Text me what you want, kay?"

"Alright, I'll take a break from my studying and fix you up a better study guide."

"You're the best, Blue," Larry said as he walked out of the bedroom.

Sal chuckled, rolling his eyes before turning back to his work.

Larry made his way to Todd and Neil's room, practically busting through the door, scaring the two men.

"Larry! You can't just do that while I'm studying!" Todd said, annoyed with the boys antics.

"Sorry Todd, but Sal told me to get Neil so we can go on a snack run!" Larry explained, causing Neil to look relieved. He had been studying for so long and was long overdue for a break.

"Sounds fun, I'm in," Neil replied, immediately getting up to put his shoes on. "Todd, you want anything babe?"

"I'll message you or Larry when I get a second," Todd responded, his eyes never moving from his paper.

"Gotcha," Neil kissed Todd's cheek before following Larry out the door. "I'm driving."

"Awe c'mon, you always drive!" Larry whined, walking out the front door and getting into the passenger side of the car.

"Because you always want to do donuts in the abandoned parking lot," Neil said, not even angry at his friend. He can't blame Larry for wanting to have fun, even if that fun might get him arrested. But the least he can do is preventing it from happening on his watch.

The two left shortly after and starting a casual conversation regarding their boyfriends. Both of the boys are dating tryhards.

Sal was always wanting to get good grades, aside from the few times him and Larry decided to skip because neither of them had the mental will to go. And Todd had always been the brainiac of the group, which is why he always studied so hard all the time.

Larry and Neil were different stories. Larry hated studying, always had, though Sal was very particular on helping Larry get the requirements needed to get into art school. And its not like Larry was ungrateful for it either, but school was such a pain in the ass when he wasn't in art class. And Neil wasn't one for school either. Sure he didn't mind it and he didn't get horrible grades either, but it wasn't like him to enjoy every subject, only the ones he actually found useful.

Their conversation ceased when Neil pulled into the drivethru, Larry pulling out his phone and moving to his contacts to relay the orders to Neil. They had to hurry and get this food to their boyfriends before all hell broke loose.

Once they pulled up to the window and grabbed the food and drinks, they quickly made their way home, well as quick as they could. Neil wasn't one for speeding like Larry was.

"So, wanna make bets on what the boys are doing when we get back?" Larry asked, looking over at Neil.

Neil chuckled a bit, not letting his eyes falter away from the road, "Well, if I know Todd well enough, he hasn't moved from that desk the entire time we've been gone. So I'm most definitely gonna have to treat him like a toddler who can't take care of himself," Neil said, making a few quick glances at Larry and sighing at the thought of what Todd was most likely doing, not taking care of himself. "So, what about Sal?"

"Well, he's been working for quite a few hours, so one of two things probably happened. He either fell asleep at his desk or he decided that he had enough studying for now and went down to the basement to practice guitar."

Both boys laugh a bit, knowing that they very well could be completely wrong, however there was always the added amusement in knowing they were most likely right.

Neil parked the car and both boys stepped out, bringing the food and drinks inside the house. Larry unlocked the door and both of them walked inside, setting everything down on the table.

"Guys, we're home!" Neil called out, only to be met with silence.

"Hey fucktards! We got ya food!" Larry yelled, but there was still silence. "You look for Todd, I'll look for Sal."

"On it." Neil made his way down the hall and opened the door, peaking his head in. "Todd? Hun, you here?"

"Mhm.." A tired voice from the other side of the room replied.

Neil chuckled at the sigh before him. Todd was falling asleep at his desk, his pen falling out of his hand as his head was laying on his other hand. Neil sighed and walked over, taking Todd's pen fully out of his hand and lifted the boy out of his chair.

"Let's get you to bed, you've been long overdue for a nap."

"Don't talk to me like I'm a child," Todd said tiredly, already falling asleep in Neil's hold.

"Yeah yeah, I know baby."

In the other part of the house, Larry was making his way around looking for Sal. He already checked the room, yet nothing. Now was the time for his only other option, the basement. He made his way down the stairs, going to turn on the light before realizing it was already on. Sal he thought.

He finished his trek down the stairs, laughing when he saw Sal laying on the couch, his guitar in his hand and Gizmo laying near his head, both of them sleeping peacefully. Well, as peacefully as he could considering the fact that he looked super uncomfortable.

Larry walked over, taking Sal's guitar and putting it away. He eventually decided that it would be too risky to try to move him, as he would most likely wake up. Instead, he grabbed a nearby blanket and covered Sal up, watching the boy snuggle up into the blanket. Larry smiled, kissing the boy's forehead and petting Gizmo before leaving the basement.

He met up with Neil back in the kitchen, sitting down at the table. "Lemme guess, still working?" Larry asked.

"Surprisingly no, I was completely wrong, he was falling asleep. What about Sal?"

"I was technically right. He did get up and go play his guitar, and he also fell asleep down there."

Neil laughed, opening the bag of food they left and taking out his stuff. "Well, we might as well make the most of our time before they wake up and start talking about school stuff again."

"Sounds like a plan," Larry replied, taking a bite of his burger.

The two boys sat at the table, talking about pretty much everything except for school. Lets just say these two were making the most of their time, cause when Sal and Todd woke up they were absolutely in for another study session.

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