15- Blood and Tears

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⚠️I'm putting in an extra warning before this one despite the warning that was already in the description. There is suicide contained in this chapter, proceed with caution⚠️

"You sure you don't wanna come with us, Lar? It could be good for you to take a break from painting," Sal asked, putting his earrings on before putting his glass eye in.

Larry smiled and put his brush down, walking over to the boy and kissing his forehead. "I'm sure, I've got a deadline to meet and it'll do me more good to get this done before I get too stressed."

Sal nodded, grabbing his mask off of the bed and clipping it to his face before grabbing his backpack. "If you say so, we'll be home later. I fed Gizmo earlier, but if he gets hungry before I get home could you feed him?"

"Sure thing, babe, have fun," Larry said, giving his boyfriend one last hug before he went on his way.

Sal left with Todd, Neil, and Ash to go on a small hike to take a break from the stresses they have taken on lately with new music. It was just a small break, a time to take a breather and just hang out to relax.

Sal sat in the back of Neil's car next to Ash, calling dibs on the AUX cord before anyone else.

Neil got situated and buckled up before driving, turning up the rock music that Sal had started playing. Larry had just recently gotten Todd into the rock and metal genre of music, so now Sal was kind of just playing a variety of different bands.

"Wow, Todd's listening to something other than Mozart for once," Ash commented, a small laugh following.

"Well, it's good to branch out and expand my knowledge of different genres," Todd responded, rolling his eyes.

"C'mon man, just admit that you just like the music, not the expanding your knowledge bullshit," Sal said, chuckling at Todd's stubbornness.

"I refuse to take part in your random hypothesis," Todd said, crossing his arms.

"Holy shit, a word even Larry would know," Ash said.

"Would he, though?" Neil asked.

"I dunno, let's call him and find out!" Sal said. "He's gonna hate me for interrupting him," Sal followed up with a laugh and unplugged his phone from the cord.

The phone rang for a little bit before Larry picked up, sounding a little tired but otherwise okay.


Sal quickly put the phone on speaker. "Hey Lar, quick question."


"Do you know what the word hypothesis means?"

"Why are you asking?"

"No reason."

"Oookay? It's one of those words that we learned in science class, right? Wasn't it like and educated guess?"

"Yup, thanks babe! Love you!"

"Love you too, can I get back to work now?"

"Yup, byeeee," and with that, Sal hung up the phone.

"Was that right?" Ash asked.

"Probably," Sal replied, sending the entire car into uproar, everyone laughing.


Not long after, they arrived at the edge of their hiking trail, getting out of the car almost in sync.

As Neil double checked to make sure that they had everything with them, Sal's phone began to ring. He was confused when he saw that it was Larry. Wasn't he working? Shrugging, he answered anyway.

"Hey Lar, what's up?"

"Baby...I'm sorry."

"What are you sorry for? Did you break a string on my guitar or something? It's fine if you-" he stopped talking when he heard a choked back sob on the other line, his concern peaking.

"Sal, I love you so much but I...I can't take it anymore. The thoughts won't stop. I'm a burden and I feel so alone..."

"L-Lar, what are you talking about?" Sal asked, feeling the tears building up in his eyes.

"Goodbye Sal...I love you."

"Larry don't you dare hang up-" but it was too late, the dial tone rang through and Sal panicked, "fuck!"

"What's wrong, Sal?" Todd asked, concern in his voice.

"Get in the car, we need to go home now, I'll answer questions on the way."

They did as he said and quickly sped away, bucking up when Neil was already driving. Each of them panicking once Sal explained everything.

Sal didn't even let the car come to a complete stop once they pulled into the driveway, quickly unlocking the door and rushing into the house.

"Larry!" He called out, hope and desperation in his voice that Larry would call back. He checked the bedroom first, seeing that it was barren and empty before rushing towards the bathroom, noticing that the door was locked. "God damnit, Larry open the door!" No responce.

Tears falling down the blue haired boys face, he broke the door down and almost collapsed. Larry lay on the floor, unmoving with his eyes closed. An empty pill bottle next to him along with cuts lining his arms and pools of blood surrounding him.

Quickly, Sal got onto the floor and attempted to stop the bleeding while calling out for someone to call and ambulance.

The rest went by in a blur once the paramedics arrived. Neil pulled him away from Larry so the paramedics could get into the bathroom and get Larry onto a stretcher.

Sal rode in the ambulance with Larry while the rest of them got into the car to follow behind. Though once they arrived, Neil had to hold Sal back once more from following the doctors back into the room where they were going to attempt to save Larry's life.

Ash, Todd, and Neil sat in chairs while Sal paced the room. Neil tried to get him to take a few deep breaths and to try to tell him that Larry would be okay, but nothing worked.

Ash went back to the house to get Sal some clothes that weren't soaked in Larry's blood, and it took more coaxing to get him to actually go change.

The situation was bleak, and time seemed to move by so slow. And normally he wasn't a religious person, but this was the one time that he prayed to whomever was listening that his boyfriend would open his eyes once more.

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