19- My Song To You

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Sal had asked for Lisa's permission to open up to their fans about her sons death, as it had officially been three whole months since Larry's passing, to which she gave permission.

It's took all of them a while to figure out what they wanted to do and what they wanted to say, but eventually they decided on a regular YouTube video to address the topic.

Todd got everything set up and they each took a seat on the basement couch, Todd was seated next to Neil with Ash next to Sal and Gizmo was sleeping on Sal's lap.

"Ready?" Todd asked, to which they nodded and he started recording.

Since Sal was basically their leader in a way, they all agreed that he should start them off.

"Hey everyone, we know this isn't our usual music video, but we feel that we need to address something important. As you can see, a member of our band isn't seated with us and we are here to explain why he will no longer be involved in anything we do from here on out."

Neil decided to pick it up from there, "unfortunately, a few months ago, our friend and Sal's boyfriend Larry Johnson passed away due to suicide."

"Please, don't ask us for details about the event as it is still...extremely painful to think about and we will not be releasing further details about the incident," Todd said.

Tears sprouted in all of their eyes, but they managed to keep their composure.

"We are sorry for the lack of music being released, we were doing our best to handle this difficult time. But, hopefully we will be back on our feet very soon and we will be releasing the dates and locations for our next tour in about a month, and we hope to see you there," Sal finished, and with a goodbye, the recording was ended.

Sal sighed and stood from his spot, picking Gizmo up with him and heading for the stairs.

"Sal, where are you going? We still have to edit this," Neil asked.

Sal pulled up his mask and wiped a couple tears away, "I'm working on a new song for the tour, I'm almost done and I wanted to start rehearsing it. Ash, are you okay with being my...new backup singer?"

She smiled and nodded, and they let him go.


"And done," Sal said, finishing the last thing he needed for the new song and standing up from the desk. "You comin', Giz?" The cat meowed and followed Sal out the door and back down into the basement.

He presented the music to his friends, who each got tears in their eyes as they read the lyrics. This was Sal's song to Larry, his last goodbye that he never got to make.

This was going to be a good tour, an emotional one, but a good one nonetheless...

And unfortunately, it was going to be their last.

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