8- Ghost Hunting

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"Did we seriously get a call after all this time?" Neil asked, putting Todd's final camera in his bag before closing it.

"I know, but it's Chug, we can't exactly ignore it," Sal says, making sure his Super Gearboy was in his bag.

Considering everything that happened at the apartments, none of them were super ecstatic to be looking for ghosts there. It was possible that they were all just scared that there could be another demon, it was just best not to think about it.

"I thought Chug didn't believe that stuff," Larry commented, slinging his backpack over his shoulder.

"Nah, remember, he was the one who swore that the place was haunted along with me. Plus, even if he didn't believe it, he said that both him and Soda saw it," Sal explained, sitting in the passenger's seat in Larry's car while the other three got in the back.

"I thought we quit ghost hunting years ago, I mean, I'm happy to help a friend out but we have music to work on," Ash said, slightly annoyed. Thought it was probably because it was getting late and she had a long day.

"Yeah, but it's better to just make sure that there isn't a new demon. It'll be reassuring to know that our family and friends are safe," Todd commented.

They all were quiet after that, surprised mostly that Larry had his music turned down a lot. Though they didn't want to comment on it, mostly out of fear that he'd turn it up all the way and kill their eardrums so late in the evening.

Though after a while of quiet screaming coming through the speakers, Ash spoke up when they pulled into the parking lot.

"Dude, you okay? You never have your music that quiet."

Larry chuckled a bit, "yeah, I'm fine. Sal just had a migraine earlier today and I don't want to trigger it again."

"Then why the hell are we ghost hunting if you didn't feel good, Sal?" Ash asked, almost yelling at the boy with a motherly tone.

"It was just a mild one this morning, it's no big deal," Sal said as they made their way to Chug's apartment.

Todd knocked on the door, and it didn't take long for Chug to open the door.

"Hi guys, thanks for coming. Soda has been pretty scared since it happened," he explained, opening the door for them all to enter.

"Its no problem, Chug. Can you tell us more about the encounter?" Sal asked.

"Of course! So Maple was at work and I was coloring with Soda in her room. We were just about to get some lunch when something fell in the bathroom. I picked Soda up and we went to go check it out and that's when we saw the ghost sitting on the sink. She vanished pretty quickly, but it really shook Soda and I up."

There's one thought that rang through each of their heads, what is it with ghosts and bathrooms?

Chug did give them free range to explore his apartment eventually, and eventually him and his family left. They had dinner planned for that night so that they could get out of their way.

The group decided to split up, leaving Neil, Todd, and Ash in Chug's apartment while Sal and Larry left to explore the rest of the building.

They first made their way to the 5th floor, deciding to check up with all the other ghosts there to see if any of them had seen anything strange going on.

The first few spirits were duds, they couldn't get anyone to show up. They decided that Megan might have some info.

They made their way to the bathroom, and after Sall called to her, she showed up instantly.

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