5- Mental Health

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Everyone was on break, and you would expect that they would be out doing something fun, but not today. Nowadays, they didn't have to take mental health days often, but today was just a difficult day for some, leaving Ash, Neil, and even Gizmo to help make their friends day as best as they possibly could.

Sal's depression meds were taking longer to be filled than normal, rendering him three full days without them. He thought he would be fine, but in the end, he wasn't as fine as the thought he was.

Larry was just having one of those days where nothing was going right. He was annoyed, depressed, and just wanted to lay in bed all day and do nothing because he didn't have the energy to get up.

Todd ended up burning himself out with the amount of work he was doing, and when Neil was doing everything in his power to prevent Todd from doing any work, he just got anxious and felt as if he needed to do something productive or he was going to explode.

This all started that morning, and now it was around 11:00 am, and nothing seemed to be improving.

Sal and Larry layed in bed together, unmoving from their position of being cuddled close to each other.

Larry layed still, staring at the ceiling and just thinking about everything he had done wrong in the past, the memories of Addison Apartments haunting him.

Sal on the other hand, his thoughts were racing at 100 miles per hour, just every bad thought throwing itself at him all at once. Sure, he ended up crying a few times already, though Larry was always there to rub his back and let him get it all out.

Sal just stared at the wall, unknowingly scratching his arms in attempt to reopen wounds from a couple weeks ago, though they were pretty much close to being entirely healed, and nothing was there to open. However, it was a bad habit Sal had gotten into as a teenager, and Larry was working hard with him to make him stop.

Larry gently grabbed Sal's hand, grasping it in his own to keep it occupied and away from Sal's arm.

"Wanna smoke? I need to stop thinking for a little bit," Larry asked, looking at Sal and forcing a small smile. Sal nodded, both boys sitting up.

Larry stood up and opened their smoke drawer, grabbing a bag of weed and Sal's vape, showing them to the blue haired male.

Sal though for a second before settling with the weed, Larry taking on the responsibility of rolling a joint for them.

On the other side of the house, Todd paced back and forth thoroughly his room, unable to calm himself down enough to sit on the bed.

"Baby, I think you need to stop pacing. You're burnt out and you need a break from your laptop for a day or two," Neil said calmly, placing a hand on either side of Todd's face.

"I just...I need to do something. I need to be useful for something!" Todd yelled out in frustration.

Neil was saddened by his boyfriend's statement, Todd was always a tough one when it came to relaxation and taking it easy, but only because he always felt the need to be useful, despite the fact he was already useful for so much. Without him, the group would have never figured out all the stuff going on at Addison Apartments as quickly as they did. His tech knowledge has helped them out with so much when they decided to start their band. It was just so hard to make him see that.

The slightly taller male talked over to his anxious lover, placing his hands on either side of his face. "Todd, baby, I know there isn't much I can do to help you, but one day I hope you will see that every bad thought that goes through that pretty head of yours is not true. You're one of the most amazing people I know, and you don't have to prove yourself to me or to everyone else every single day. You do more than enough for everyone. A little break every once and a while is good for you, you just need a moment to breathe."

As Neil talked, Todd seemed to get himself lost in his eyes and entranced as he talked. He didn't even realize that his breathing slowed, and he was a lot calmer than he was a few seconds ago.

"There we go, feeling a little better now?" Neil asked, pulling Todd into a hug.

"Yeah...thank you, dear."

Though the two of them didn't stay hugging for long, as a high-pitched voice was heard entering through the front door.

"What's up depressed bitches! I got food, sugar, and weed for Larry!" Ash said as she slammed the door behind her.

"Fuck yeah! I was running out!" Larry said, trying to get into a better mood.

Almost fully simultaneously, all four boys walked out of their rooms to meet up with Ash near the front.

"You all look terrible; I say we eat and then get out of here to go do something. Maybe a walk will do the three of you some good, wouldn't you agree, Neil?" Ash said.

"That sounds like a great idea, let's get dressed and then we'll eat so we can get outta here after."


Todd and Neil were the first two to finish eating, leaving the group to get dressed first.

Todd had ended up deciding on a pair of jeans and a polo shirt, allowing Neil to help him brush out a few knots from his hair. Neil decided to keep it simple with a pair of jeans and a long sleeve shirt.

"You might want a coat as well, honey, it's getting chilly out," Neil said, grabbing Todd's jacket from the closet.

"Of course it is, Autumn is upon us," Todd said matter-of-factly.

Across the hall in the other room, Sal and Larry were getting themselves ready as well.

Larry decided on a pair of black studded jeans with a Pierce The Veil t-shirt along with a jean jacket. "Hey Blue, wanna brush my hair?" Larry asked while putting on his black and white converse, knowing that Sal always loved brushing his hair for him. Calming Sal down as more important to him than his own feelings at that very moment.

"Yeah sure, just let me tie my shoes," he said. Sal had decided on a pair of black ripped jeans along with a black My Chemical Romance t-shirt and a black jacket. Once he finished tying his combat boots, he brushed his own hair, leaving it down before walking over to Larry.The taller male sat on the floor, Sal sitting on the bed behind him and running the brush through his hair. "So, what hair style are we thinking today?" Sal asked, noticeably calmer than before.

Larry sighed contently, "Let's do a ponytail today."


It didn't long for Sal to finish Larry's hair, and the taller male stood up, grabbing Sal's mask off of the desk, pushing his blue hair out of his face before clipping it on for him.

Once they were all ready, Sal made sure to grab Gizmo, he needed to get out of the house, and all of them left.

They were gone for a few hours, grabbing some coffee during their walk and enjoying the fresh Autumn air. It's was a season they all loved, as it wasn't too hot nor too cold for them. The falling of the dying leaves from the trees was a comforting thing for Sal, as it reminded him of the happy moments he had with his mother in the pass. For Larry, just seeing Sal be mesmerized by little things during this season was a comfort. He just loved the boy so much that just seeing him calm was a joy. Todd and Neil loved the rainy days that came with the Autumn season. Todd enjoyed reading by the windows on the rainy days, and Neil loved reading with him sometimes. As just loved the nature, the beauty of the season was mesmerising to her.

As the day came to a close, they all made their way to Neil's car, and it didn't take long for at least Sal to fall asleep in the back seat with Gizmo in his lap while leaning on Larry.The walk with Ash was calming for them all, allowing them an escape from their thoughts that they were previously letting consume them. With clear minds, their songs that they make will be better, despite the fact that through every hardship, Sal come up with more songs. But still, taking a mental health day was good for him, for all of them.

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