4- Our Song

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Song: The Drug In Me Is You- Falling in Reverse

Sal had always been known for writing songs for them all, never caring to write songs about romance or his own interests, but lately Ash had challenged him and Larry to write a song together, and neither of them had it in them to turn down a bet.

Many hours and long nights went into their latest song, which was in a different style than their previous ones, considering they made this one a rock song.

The rest of the band hadn't seen much of the couple in a few weeks, considering that they had been working non stop on both college work and the song that they hadn't been out much. Though their friends didn't mind, because they knew it would all be worth it when it was completed.

Ash, Todd, and Neil all sat at the kitchen table, snacking and talking, when all of a sudden Sal and Larry burst out of their room.

"It's done!" They said together.

Ash sighed when she noticed that both boys looked extremely sleep deprived, but they were so full of adrenaline that they didn't seem to notice.

Though Sal seemed to be coming down off of his adrenaline high a lot quicker than Larry was, the boy becoming tired very quickly and Larry following shortly after. Sal put the papers down on the table, leaning on his boyfriend as he yawned.

Neil chuckled, "maybe you two should take a nap."

Larry yawned as well, "sounds like a plan..."

The two boys turned, making their way back into their room and closing the door behind them. Quickly after that, the rest of them grabbed the papers to take a look.

They were amazed at their work, and it was exactly as they had imagined. Taking a look at both the lyrics and sheet music simultaneously, it just seemed like the perfect love song that would speak to both Sal and Larry.

Eventually, they decided that while the two slept, the rest of them would make their way to the basement to set everything up and practice a bit.


A few hours later, Larry finally awoke from his deep slumber, wiping some drool from the corner of his mouth. Once he felt he was conscious enough, he looked behind him to see Sal cuddling him. The blue haired boys arm around Larry's waist and his head against Larry's back.

Larry smiled, relaxing against his pillow once more. He placed his hand on top of Sal's, the boy hugging him tighter in response. They layed like that for a few minutes until Larry felt an all too familiar feeling creeping up his spine.

Carefully, Larry removed himself from Sal's hold and made his way to the bathroom. Once the door was shut, he slid down the door to sit on the floor, tucking his knees to his chest and allowing his thoughts to consume him.


Sal awoke shortly after, realizing that Larry wasn't is his hold anymore. Confused, he got up and looked around the room.

Maybe he's in the bathroom? Sal thought, deciding to make his way there. When he tried to turn the handle a realized it was locked, he softly knocked on the door.

"Lar? You in there?" He heard some shuffling before the lock clicked, signaling it was open. He slowly pushed the door, revealing his tall, greasy boyfriend who was wiping his eyes. "Woah, you okay babe?" Sal asked, placing his hand on Larry's cheek.

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