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I stare down at the small, black box Vivi got me, I know what it is, a phone, but I just don't care for it. Regardless, I have set it up and make an effort to use it, as Vivi did get it for me for my 25th birthday, a week ago. I hate celebrating my birthday, it is just another reminder that another year has gone by without Jude, it has been 8 years since Jude was pronounced dead. Everyone was/is deeply affected by it, even Madoc or Oriana, but we all make a point to pretend otherwise and try to move on with our lives. I open up Instagram, for no reason other than the fact that I am bored, and something that reminds me of Jude, as it something mortal, just as we both are, or were. I am mindlessly scrolling, wasting time till my meeting with Cardan, the High King. I was about to get up and do something else, when the photo I am on catches my eye. There is someone's back in the photo, and all though it seems random, it feels familiar. And then I fall into a rabbit hole, looking through this account, all their friends and followers account trying to find out who this person is. After what seems like an endless number of photos, and still no luck, I am about to give up, when the person appears in the photo. My feel my soul leave my body, as I realize who this person is.

(Authors Note) Lol, this is so bad. Haha, you can probably guess who she saw but, umm, yeah. oh and sorry this is so short, I have no idea what to write. 

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