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PART 11- Betrayal


Here we are, stuck in a cold dark cell, no thanks to the lovely Jude Duarte. I am starting to wish we thought she was still dead, as she hasn't even been here for 24 hours and look at the mess that she has already caused. I have no idea what this groups plan for me, or Oak are, but if it comes between me and him surviving, I will choose him to live. We have formed a sort of brotherly bond between us, and I am not too sure how I feel about it. We have been in the cell for a couple of hours, all in complete silence. As I am seething from what Jude has done to us, but Oak is still in shock, which is to be expected. He does not think Jude would do that to us, as he is new to the real, brutal world of Faerie, and then court. As he was coddled by Oriana and then sent to the mortal world. I guess he just doesn't know Jude like he thought he did, like how I do.

"Jude will come to get us, you know" I expected him to say this, still so new to the harsh and brutal world that he, we live in.

"Nope, she won't."

"Yes, she will. I know her, or I think I do. She will come and get us." I sigh, so young and naïve.

"Ok, if you know her so well, why did she betray us, hmm?" Oak contemplates the question but just ends up not saying anything. Deciding the conversation is over, I close my eyes and try to sleep.

(Authors Note) Lol, I am such a bad writer, but you know what, I don't care. 😊 😊 ☹ 😊 ☹ 😊 

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