Part 5- contemplating life

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It has been a couple days since Taryn visited me, and I miss her a lot at the moment, and faerie. A lot more than usual, it almost makes me want to go back, almost. Her visit has made me think about faerie, a lot, a lot more than I am comfortable with, I was too young to handle faerie back then, I was always angry, to cover up my fear, because if I wasn't angry, than I would of made that mistake, I would collapse. Something Taryn said to me, has stuck with me the whole time, always in some part of my brain, she said: "you know how you said you were always scared to make that one mistake that would destroy, I just hope you haven't made that mistake by moving here." I hadn't been able to answer then, and I wouldn't have been able to answer it now, even though it has been haunting me, and I haven't stopped thinking about it. It also made me wonder, if I went back to Faerie, would I be able to handle the stress, or at least better than I did when I was 17. I am interrupted from my thoughts as there is a knock at the door.

(Authors Note) Another short one, this one could be longer but, I decided to split it in half, because I am to tired to write another part, also there is going to be a lot of pov changes, at least for now. So, if you don't like that, you can leave.

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