Part 8- sad to be here

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I don't know how long I have been here, but I can't imagine that it is to long, if I had to guess, I would say a week or two. Although I am disappointed that no one has come for me yet, I know they will, I just know it. Although I can't be certain, I imagine that this is how Jude felt, and the thought of that won't leave my mind, no matter how disgusted I am, that she had to escape before anyone could rescue her, although at first, I was mad, mad at Jude for not coming back, and leaving us all to think that she was dead, I understand now, that it was what we deserved, she didn't have enough people to care for her to try and get her back. I am suddenly mad all over again, I had eventually forgotten that the others didn't want to rescue Jude, no matter the cost, but I let it fall out of my mind, as I needed to move on to continue having good relationships with people, because that was my top priority at the moment, even though it should have been Jude, I mean she is my sister. The door is thrown open and the guard throws in my food, causing it to splatter on the floor, he says something, probably rude, but I don't pay attention, I am just trying to catch a glimpse of any way out, he grunts and closes the door before I can make out anything. I am trying to act like how Jude would be in this situation, she was always so much better at this thing, even at kids, she would always beat me. I guess I kind of had a kind of resentment for her because of it. I know I wasn't the best of sisters to her, especially with Cardan and his friends, and especially what happened with Locke, but I want her to forgive me, I want to be better.

(Authors Note) So, a little bit shorter than some of the parts, but not the shortest. Oh, and also I plan on giving Taryn a little bit of redemption. :)

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