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(Authors Note) I know, I know. After 8 years oak would be 15, but we gonna pretend he is supposed to be 17. Ok?


I grumble to myself as I enter Taryn's room in her estate, or Locke's estate. I don't know why Cardan told me to do this, can't he have gotten another spy to do this, I mean, I should be learning how to be king, since I am his only heir, as he refuses to have consorts. I mean he takes other faeries to bed and all that, but he doesn't have a consort, or want anyone to bare his child, it's like he wants someone, but would he tell me that, of course not. I take in my surroundings, worry for her growing, she is like a second mother to me. So, when her room has been ransacked, with signs of struggle, it is obvious to me that she has been kidnapped, and I could most likely guess by who. I take a look around her room, making sure to not step on anything that might be of importance. I walk over to her desk, emotion flood through me, thinking about how many times she has sitten at this desk, and if we don't get her back how many more times she won't. I flip over the little black box she always seems to be holding. It makes me jump when the screen changes from black to Taryn, and Jude. At first, I think Taryn is trapped in the phone but that wouldn't make sense because Jude is there too. I then realise it is a photo, Taryn has so many around her room, I am ashamed that I didn't realise sooner. The screen than changes to a bunch of numbers, I enter the code, I've seen her do it so many times. I am then greeted by another photo, this one dated only a couple days ago. My eyes widen as I realise who it is, no, no it can't be, she is dead. I sit in silence, and still trying to process what I just saw, when out of the corner of my eye I spot a bit of paper with some writing on it. It has an address on it, and on the back, it says: IF IN DANGER- JUDE'S APARTMENT. So that photo really was of Jude, and she is alive. I feel an arrange of emotions, happy, sad, angry. All because of Jude being alive. I take another quick look around, deeming nothing else of usefulness and head out of the estate, and back to the castle, ready to prepare for a trip to the mortal world.

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